Abstract | Mucanje (lat. balbuties) je poremećaj fluentnosti govora s početkom u djetinjstvu, koji uključuje simptome poput ponavljanja glasova i slogova, stanki unutar riječi, čujno g ili tihog blokiranja, produkcije riječi uz jaku tjelesnu napetost, a često je praćeno i pridruženim simptomima. Etiologija mucanja još uvijek nije objašnjena u cijelosti, ali se pretpostavlja da kombinacija različitih čimbenika može dovesti do razvoja ovog poremećaja. Različita istraživanja upućuju na postojanje predispozicije za razvoj mucanja, koja se zatim može, ali i ne mora, aktivirati pod utjecajem nekih precipitirajućih faktora, među kojima se najčešće razmatra djelovanje različitih stresora. Rad sadrži sažet prikaz govornih poremećaja, s posebnim naglaskom na mucanju te njegovim obilježjima, uzrocima, posljedicama i terapijskim pristupima. Terapiju mucanja s djecom predškolske dobi provodi logoped, uz obaveznu suradnju roditelja. Ponekad je, uz logopedsku terapiju, potrebna i psihoterapija, naročito u slučajevima kada su prisutni emocionalni poremećaj, strah od govora i različite posljedice stresora kojima su djeca bila izložena. U ovom je radu, također, i staknuta važnost suportivnog pristupa odgajatelja u pristupu djetetu s poremećajem fluentnosti govora kako bi se smanjila vjerojatnost razvoja drugih teškoća poput nesigurnosti, niskog samopoštovanja i straha od govora, a koje često prate mucanje. |
Abstract (english) | Stuttering (lat. balbuties) is a disorder of speech fluency with beginning in childhood, which includes symptoms such as repetition of phonemes and syllables, breaks within the word, audible and silent blocking, production of words with strong physical tension, and often accompanied by associated symptoms. The etiology of stuttering has not yet been fully explained, but it is hypothesized that a combination of different factors may lead to the development of this disorder. Various studies indicate that there is a predisposition for the development of stuttering, which may or may not be triggered by the influence of some precipitating factors, among who the action of different stressors is most commonly considered. The paper provides a concise display of speech disorders, with particular emphasis on stuttering and its characteristics, causes, consequences and therapeutic approaches. Stuttering therapy with pre-school children is performed by a speech therapist, with the obligatory cooperation of parents. Sometimes, in addition to therapy, psychotherapy is needed, especially in cases where emotional disorder, fear of speech, and the various consequences of stressors to which children have been exposed are present. This paper also highlights the importance of a supportive educator approach to accessing a child with speech fluency disorder to reduce the likelihood of developing other difficulties such as insecurity, low self -esteem, and fear of speech that often accompany stuttering. |