Title Ekološki odgoj i obrazovanje u prvom obrazovnom ciklusu
Title (english) Ecological education in the first education cycle
Author Patricija Maslač
Mentor Irella Bogut (mentor)
Committee member Vesnica Mlinarević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vjekoslav Galzina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irella Bogut (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Abstract U svome diplomskome radu „Ekološki odgoj i obrazovanje u prvom obrazovnome ciklusu“ željela sam saznati kakav je odnos učenika prema prirodi. Ekološki odgoj i obrazovanje trebao bi učenike poučavati o ekologiji, zagađanju prirode, kako zagađeni okoliš djeluje na ljudski život te koje su mjere zaštite i poboljšanja. Da bi se što savjesnije odnosili prema planeti Zemlji, moramo još kao učenici biti potaknuti mišlju i primjerima da treba čuvati planetu Zemlju. Zaštita i očuvanje prirode je od
... More velikoga značenja za kvalitetu života, a ono je i ostavština našim nasljednicima. Trebamo se zapitati što možemo učiniti kako bi priroda u sljedećim godinama bila čistija, zdrava i ljepša. U teorijskome se dijelu rada navodi povijest ekološkoga odgoja i obrazovanja, odgoj i obrazovanje za održivi razvoj, koji čimbenici utječu na ekološki odgoj i obrazovanje, zatim razvijanje svijesti kod učenika za ekologiju. Opisuju se ekološke aktivnosti u nastavi Prirode i društva te se analiziraju zadaci odgoja i obrazovanja za okoliš u Nastavnome planu i programu osnovne škole u Republici Hrvatskoj. U diplomskome radu je utvrđena zastupljenost ekoloških tema u aktualnim udžbenicima Prirode i društva od 1. do 4. razreda osnovne škole, izdavačkih kuća: Alfa i Školska knjiga, u odnosu na ukupan broj nastavnih tema. Rezultati su pokazali kako su ove teme u udžbenicima od 1. do 4. razreda nedovoljno zastupljene. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su saznati razumiju li učenici pojmove: otpad, recikliranje, onečišćenje, okoliš, voda, jesu li učenici svjesni čovjekove ovisnosti o prirodi i okolišu, znaju li učenici samostalno razvrstati otpad i razumiju li važnost razvrstavanja i iskorištavanja otpada. Nastojala sam putem različitih zadataka u radionicama poticati kod učenika odgovorno ponašanje i upoznati učenike s mogućnostima iskorištavanja otpada. To sam nastojala ostvariti kroz ekološke radionice u kojima su sudjelovali svi učenici, bez obzira na sposobnosti. U radu je sudjelovalo 17 učenika 2. razreda OŠ „Ivan Goran Kovačić“ u Slavonskome Brodu. Less
Abstract (english) In my graduate thesis "Ecological education in the first educational cycle" I wanted to find out what the students' attitude to nature is. Environmental education should teach students about ecology, nature pollution, how polluted the environment affects human life, and what are the protection and improvement measures. In order to be as conscientious about planet Earth, we, as students, must be encouraged by the thought and examples that planet Earth should be guarded. The protection and
... More preservation of nature is of great importance for the quality of life, and it is also a legacy to our successors. We need to ask ourselves what we can do to make nature cleaner, healthier and more beautiful in the coming years. The theoretical part deals with the history of ecological education, education for sustainable development, which factors influence ecological education, and then the development of awareness among ecological students. Ecological activities in the teaching of Nature and Society are described and the tasks of environmental education in the Curriculum of the elementary school in the Republic of Croatia are analyzed. The thesis determines the representation of ecological topics in the current textbooks of Nature and Society from 1st to 4th grade of primary school, publishing houses: Alfa and Školska knjiga, in relation to the total number of teaching topics. The results showed that these topics were underrepresented in textbooks in grades 1-4. The goals of the research were to find out if the students understand the concepts: waste, recycling, pollution, environment, water, whether students are aware of human dependence on nature and the environment, whether students can sort waste independently and whether they understand the importance of sorting and utilizing waste. Through various tasks in the workshops. I have tried to encourage responsible behavior among students and to introduce students to the possibilities of waste utilization. I sought to achieve this through environmental workshops in which all students participated, regardless of ability. 17 students of the and grade of elementary school "Ivan Goran Kovačić" in Slavonski Brod participated in the work. Less
ekološka osviještenost
Keywords (english)
environmental awareness
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:572903
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-12-03 12:24:16