Abstract | Prema definiciji Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) kronični alkoholičar je osoba koja prekomjerno pije alkoholna pića, osoba u koje je ovisnost o alkoholu tolika da pokazuje psihičke poremećaje ili slične manifestacije koje oštećuju njeno duševno i tjelesno zdravlje, kao i njen poremećen odnos s drugim osobama. Ljudi počinju piti alkohol iz nekoliko razloga: pored običaja i navike određene društvene sredine, treba još spomenuti: česte stresne situacije, napetosti, frustracije, loše međuljudske odnose, duševno-živčane poremećaje i monotoniju života. Postoje četiri stupnja djelovanja alkohola. To su: stupanj lakše opijenosti, stupanj srednje opijenosti, stupanj teške opijenosti i alkoholna koma. Definirana su četiri tipa zloupotrebljivača alkohola: tip alfa, tip beta, tip gama i tip delta. Istraživanja SZO pokazala su da je najviša dopustiva granica svakodnevne potrošnje čistog alkohola za odrasle muškarce niža od 40 grama, a za žene i omladinu niža od 20 grama čistog alkohola (pritom valja napomenuti da čaša vina ili boca piva ili čašica nekog drugog žestokog pića sadrži po 10 grama čistog alkohola). Alkohol uzrokuje tjelesne (oštećenja jetre, gušterače, srca i krvnih žila, kože), duševne (promjena ličnosti i psihijatrijske posljedice) i društvene posljedice (agresivno ponašanje, posljedice u obitelji, posljedice na radnom mjestu). Za liječenje kroničnog alkoholizma još uvijek nije pronađena djelotvorna metoda, niti metoda koja bi dominirala kao standardna metoda liječenja. |
Abstract (english) | According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), hard drinkers are persons who consume liquor excessively, whose alcohol addiction is up to such extent that they show psychical disorders or similar indicators which ruin their psychical and physical health as well as troubled relations with other persons. Some person starts consuming alcohol due to various reasons. Besides customs or habits of certain milieu/social environment, it is also important to mention repeated stressful circumstances, tensions, frustrations, bad interpersonal relations, psycho-somatic/nervous disorders and the monotony of life. There are 4 degrees of alcohol influence, i.e. tipsiness, mild drunkenness, heavy drunkenness and alcoholic coma while 4 types of alcohol abusers are alpha type, beta type, gamma type and delta type. The WHO researches have shown that the highest allowed consumption of pure alcohol for grown-up males on daily basis should not be higher than 40 grams while in female population and the young population should be lower than 40 grams of pure alcohol a day. It is worth mentioning that a glass of wine, a bottle of beer or a little glass/a drop of any liquor contains 10 grams of pure alcohol. It causes physical, psychical and social consequences. Physical consequences are the damage of liver, pancreas, heart and blood vessels or skin, psychical consequences are the personality changes and psychiatric effects while social consequences are aggressive behaviour, lasting after- effects in the family and the workplace. There is still no efficient method found for the healing of hard drinking problem or the method to be taken as the standard healing process. |