Abstract | Djecu treba poticati od najmlađe dobi na aktivno vježbanje i uključivanje u sportske aktivnosti zbog pozitivnog utjecaja na njihov cjelokupni rast i razvoj. Tijekom bavljenja sportom djeca razvijaju različite tjelesne i psihičke sposobnosti, unaprjeđuju zdravlje, zadovoljavaju potrebe za društvom, kretanjem i igrom, razvijaju socijalne vještine i općenito kvalitetu vlastitog života podižu na višu razinu. Važno je zato djecu uključivati u različite izvannastavne i izvanškolske sportske aktivnosti koja pospješuju njihov rast i razvoj usprkos nedovoljnom broju sati redovne nastave Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. U ovom diplomskom radu su definirana antropološka obilježja, razvojne karakteristike djece mlađe školske dobi, utjecaj sporta na djecu te utjecaj sporta, posebice odbojke, za skladan rast i razvoj djece. Nadalje, opisano je četveromjesečno istraživanje dječaka u dobi od 11 do 12 godina koji su trenirali odbojku po posebnom planu i programu treninga. Tijekom istraživanja, uz eksperimentalnu skupinu, je proučavana i kontrolna skupina u istim parametrima kako bi se detaljnije utvrdio utjecaj odbojkaškog programa na antropološki status dječaka, osobito na funkcionalne i motoričke sposobnosti. Dobiveni rezultati su ukazali na pozitivne promjene u motoričkim i funkcionalnim sposobnostima, tj. općenito pozitivan utjecaj na antropološki status ispitanika, osobito onih koji su bili pod utjecajem odbojkaškog programa. |
Abstract (english) | It is important to encourage children, from the earliest stage of their development, to exercise and to be included in various sports activities because of the positive effects they have on the overall growth and development of young children. While engaging in sports activities, children develop a great variety of physical and psychological abilities: improve health, satisfy their needs for socializing, movement and play, improve social skills and generally raise the quality of their life on a higher level. Therefore, it is vital to include children in numerous extracurricular and after-school activities which enhances their growth and development despite the insufficient number of compulsory P.E. lessons. In this master’s thesis, the anthropological and developmental characteristics of young children, age 11-12, have been defined, as well as the stimuli of sport exercise and the influence of sport (primarily volleyball), on the harmonious growth and development on those children. Furthermore, the four-month research of boys age 11-12, who had trained volleyball under the special plan and program, has been described. During the research, besides the experimental group, the control group has been examined under the same parameters as the experimental group to determine, in detail, the outcomes that the special plan and program has on the anthropological status of young boys, in particularly on their functional and motor abilities. The given results have indicated positive changes in motoric motor and functional abilities, i.e. a positive impact on the anthropological status of the examinees, especially on those who had undergone the special volleyball plan and program. |