Title Vizualni dnevnik kao osvrt na nastavni proces
Title (english) Visual journal as a means of a teaching process review
Author Marija Sertić
Mentor Jelena Kovačević (mentor)
Committee member Željka Flegar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Kovačević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Moritz (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Abstract Cilj je ovoga istraživanja prikazati važnost te ispitati utjecaj kreativnosti i kreativnog djelovanja na psihološke procese, poznavanje vlastitih emocionalnih stanja i nesvjesnih osjećaja, emocionalnu uravnoteženost i mentalno zdravlje kroz cijeli život. Iz tog je razloga isprobana aktivnost vizualnog dnevnika s namjerom da se na aktivan, kreativan i otvoren način pokuša svakodnevno osloboditi emocija, negativnih, ali i pozitivnih osjećaja i misli vezanih uz nastavu i cjelokupno okruženje. Cilj je uvidjeti koliko je motivacija, stvaralaštvo i promišljanje o vlastitim emocijama bitno za obavljanje kako učiteljskog, tako i ostalih poslova, ali da se takav oblik kreativnosti treba svakodnevno poticati i kod djece. Ovim se istraživanjem nastoji dati doprinos poticanju kreativnog izražavanja i stvaralaštva te naglasiti važnost pozitivnog utjecaja na njegovanje takvog oblika prikazivanja emocija. Teorijska je osnova temeljena na isticanju važnosti kreativnosti, njezina pozitivnog utjecaja te poticanja kroz cijeli život. Likovna je terapija naglašena kao jedan od oblika pozitivne prakse i korištenja likovnog izražavanja kao načina oslobađanja emocija i izražavanje individualnosti, a isto tako pojam mentalne higijene predstavljen je kao važan aspekt izgradnje čovjeka, osjećaja vlastitog ponašanja te otvorenosti uma za sve nove informacije koje ga okružuju. Vrlo je važan doprinos ovom istraživanju dalo djelo i promišljanja švicarskog psihologa i psihijatra Carla Gustava Junga koji je naglašavao važnost i utjecaj nesvjesnog dijela čovjekova bića na cjelokupan život, razmišljanje i stvaranje. Istraživanjem čovjeka kroz simbole nastale tijekom likovnog izražavanja istaknuo je kako upravo nesvjesni činitelji određuju što će i na koji će način čovjek izraziti ono svjesno i proživljeno. Istaknuta je važnost moći nadziranja vlastitih raspoloženja i osjećaja te svjesnosti bezbrojnih nesvjesnih pokazatelja koje kroz likovno izražavanje možemo osvijestiti i na taj način postati svjesni sebe i svojih emocija. Rezultati istraživanja temeljeni na heurističkom načinu istraživanja, odnosno istraživanju temeljenom na vlastitom iskustvu ukazuju na pretpostavljeni pozitivan utjecaj svijesti o vlastitim emocijama i unutarnjim promišljanjima. Poticaj ovakvoj vrsti istraživanja bila je želja za spoznavanjem i prihvaćanjem vlastitih načina izražavanja koji bi u kasnijem radu rezultirali uočavanjem različitosti i prihvaćanjem novih izazova u izgradnji vlastite motivacije i cjeloživotnoga rada na sebi.
Abstract (english) The aim of this research is to show the importance and examine the impact of creativity and creative action on psychological processes, knowledge of one's own emotional states and unconscious feelings, emotional balance and mental health throughout life. For this reason, the activity of the visual journal was tested with the aim of actively, creatively and openly trying to release emotions, negative, but also positive feelings and thoughts related to teaching and the entire environment. The goal is to see how important motivation, creativity and thinking about one's emotions are for performing both teaching and other tasks, but that this form of creativity should be encouraged in children on a daily basis. This research seeks to contribute to the encouragement of creative expression and creativity and emphasize the importance of a positive impact on nurturing this form of expression of emotions. The theoretical basis is based on emphasizing the importance of creativity, its positive impact and encouragement throughout life. Art therapy is emphasized as one of the forms of positive practice and the use of art expression as a way to release emotions and express individuality, and also the concept of mental hygiene is presented as an important aspect of building a person, sense of self behaviour and open mind to all new information. A very important contribution to this research was made by the work and reflections of the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, who emphasized the importance and influence of the unconscious part of the human being on the entire life, thinking and creation. By researching man through symbols created during artistic expression, he pointed out that it is precisely the unconscious factors that determine what and in what way a person will express the conscious and experienced. The importance of the power to control one's own moods and feelings and the awareness of countless unconscious indicators that we can become aware of through artistic expression and thus become aware of ourselves and our emotions was emphasized. The results of the research based on the heuristic way of research, ie the research based on one's own experience, indicate the presumed positive influence of awareness of one's own emotions and inner thoughts. The impetus for this type of research was the desire to learn and accept their own ways of expression, which in later work would result in noticing diversity and accepting new challenges in building their own motivation and lifelong work on themselves.
likovna terapija
vizualni dnevnik
Keywords (english)
art therapy
visual journal
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:080500
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-09-21 10:28:05