Abstract | Zahvaljujući sustavnoj imunizaciji od samog rođenja djeteta, kapljično zarazne bolesti javljaju se rjeđe nego u prošlosti. Iako mnogi roditelji imaju negativan stav prema imunizaciji, ono je vrlo učinkovito pri zaštiti djeteta. Na taj način, organizam stvara antitijela koja se bore protiv virusa, bakterija, gljivica, parazita i tako brani tijelo od zarazne bolesti. Kapljično zarazne bolesti mogu se širiti kapljicama ( kihanjem, kašljanjem ), preko zaraženih predmeta pa čak i zrakom. Djeca su vrlo često u interakciji sa prijateljima iz vrtića ili susjedstva pa ne čudi kada se više djece razboli u isto vrijeme. Najčešće bolesti u djece predškolske dobi su : šarlah, gnojni meningitis, hripavac, difterija, peta bolest, ospice, rubeola, vodene kozice, trodnevna vrućica, dječja paraliza i zaušnjaci. Većina navedenih bolesti počne sa početnim simptomima prehlade kao što su : povišena tjelesna temperatura, glavobolja, malaksalost, kašljanje i kihanje. Naime, nakon simptoma prehlade, svaka od zaraznih bolesti ima svoje karakterisitčne simptome kao što je osip za šarlah, ili ukočenost vrata za gnojni meningitis. Za roditelje, odgojitelje u vrtiću ili staratelja djeteta vrlo je važno znati prepoznati ključne simptome pojedine zarazne bolesti. Ukoliko se bitni simptomi prepoznaju pravovremeno, djetetu možemo pomoći prilikom liječenja same bolesti, spriječiti nastanak mogućih opasnih komplikacija i spriječiti širenje zaraze. Vrlo je bitno da dijete od najranijih dana uči usvajati higijenske navike kao što su često pranje ruku, tijela i zubi te odijevanje čiste i suhe odjeće. Roditelji i odgojitelji moraju surađivati u stvaranju higijenskih navika u djece jer je i to jedan od načina spriječavanja širenja zaraznih bolesti, ali i zaštite njih samih. |
Abstract (english) | Thanks to the systematic immunization from the child's birth, drip infections diseases occur less frequently than in the past. Although many parents have a negative attitude towards immunization, it is very effective in child protection. In this way, the body creates antibodies that fight against viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and so defend the body against infectious diseases. Drip infectious diseases can be spread by droplets ( sneezing, coughing ), through infected objects and even the air. Children are very often interacting with friends from kindergarten or neighborhood, so it is not surprising when many children get sick at the same time. The most common disease in children of preschool age are : scarlet, purulent meningitis, pertussis, diphtheria, erythema infectiousum, measles, rubella, chickenpox, three – day fever, polio and mumps. Most of these diseases begins with the initial symptoms of a cold like fever, headache, fatique, coughing and sneezing. After the symptoms of cold, each of infections disease has its own characteristics of their symptoms, such as a rash of scarlet fever or neck stiffness for purulent meningitis. For parents, educators in kindergarten or guardian of the child is very important to know how to recognize the basic symptoms of individual infections diseases. If important symptoms are identified in a timely manner, we can help the child in treating the disease, prevent the continuation of the possible dangerous complications and prevent the spread of infection. It is very important that children from the earliest days learns to adopt hygienic habits like often washing hands, body, teeth and clothing clean and dry clothes. Parents and preschool teachers must work together in the creation of hygiene habit for children, because this is one of the ways to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, but also to protect themselves. |