Title Sintaktička obilježja učeničkih samoopisa u mlađoj školskoj dobi
Title (english) Syntactic features of younger school - age pupils' self - descriptions
Author Andrea Krejči
Mentor Dubravka Smajić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Trtanj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Smajić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nina Mance (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology General Linguistics
Abstract Sintaktički razvoj omogućava djeci povezivanje različitih riječi u rečenice i proizvodnju iskaza kojim izražavaju svoje želje, interese i mišljenje. Usvajanje novih sintaktičkih ustrojstava obilježava rani sintaktički razvoj, a kasniji sintaktički razvoj očituje se u kombiniranju postojećih ustrojstava u dulje, višestruko složene rečenice. Dijete u dobi od treće do četvrte godine već počinje stvarati gramatički pravilne rečenice. Sintaktički razvoj nastavlja se i tijekom osnovnoškolskoga obrazovanja, premda sporije, ali je vidljivo da rečenice postaju složenije i smisleno povezanije. Svrha je ovoga rada utvrditi i usporediti osnovna sintaktička obilježja sastavaka (samoopisa) s obzirom na vrste proizvedenih rečenica dviju generacija učenika mlađe školske dobi, koji su napisani u razmaku od gotovo dva desetljeća. Osim uspoređivanja tih sintaktičkih obilježja u sastavcima dviju generacija učenika – bivše i sadašnje, uspoređuju se isto tako i obilježja unutar iste generacije s obzirom na dob učenika, odnosno između drugoga i četvrtoga razreda. Dobivenim usporedbama htjelo se utvrditi kojim se vrstama rečenica najviše, a kojima najmanje služi svaka od tih generacija u svojem pisanom izražavanju i je li vremenski razmak od gotovo dva desetljeća utjecao na razlike u proizvodnji određenih vrsta rečenica u istoj dječjoj dobi. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 68 sastavaka (samoopisa) u kojima su ispitanici opisali sami sebe. Pola samoopisa, njih 34, prikupljeno je 2001. godine, dok su ostala 34 samoopisa prikupljena 2020. godine. Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da u obje generacije prevladavaju jednostavne proširene rečenice pa složene rečenice zauzimaju manji udio od očekivanoga. Ipak, ističu se pojedini razredi u tim generacijama. Učenici 2. razreda 2001. godine u svojim su samoopisima upotrijebili najveći postotak složenih rečenica, čak 41,11 %, dok je kod ostalih ispitanih skupina taj postotak bio znatno manji. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su učenici mlađe školske dobi i danas skloniji pisanju jednostavnih proširenih rečenica kao i prije dvadesetak godina, pa čak i u četvrtome razredu, gdje se i dalje u pisanome izrazu složene rečenice rjeđe pojavljuju nego jednostavne proširene. Prilikom istraživanja istaknuo se i četvrti razred iz 2020. godine jer su ti učenici upotrijebili najveći broj višestruko složenih rečenica. Četvrti su razredi pokazali i smanjenu uporabu rečeničnoga niza u odnosu na učenike drugoga razreda te povećanu proizvodnju sastavnih i suprotnih rečenica, što je svakako pokazatelj njihovoga sintaktičkog razvoja.
Abstract (english) Syntactic development allows children to connect different words into sentences and statements which express their desires, interests and opinions. The adoption of new syntactic structures characterizes early syntactic development, and later syntactic development is manifested in the combination of existing structures into longer, complex sentences. A child between the age of three and four is already beginning to form grammatically correct sentences. Syntactic development continues throughout primary school education, slowly, but it is evident that sentences are becoming more complex and meaningfully connected. The purpose of this paper is to determine and compare the basic syntactic features of compositions (self-descriptions) according to the types of sentences produced by two generations of pupils of younger school age, which were written almost two decades apart. In addition to comparing these syntactic features in the compositions of two generations of pupils - past and present, the features within the same generation are also compared considering pupils’ age. To be more specific, self-descriptions in the second and fourth grades will be compared. The comparisons were intended to determine which types of sentences are most used and which are least used by each of these generations in their written expression. The goal is also to discover whether the time interval of almost two decades influenced differences in the production of certain types of sentences. The research included 68 compositions (self-descriptions) in which the participants described themselves. Half of the self-descriptions, 34 of them, were collected in 2001, while the remaining 34 self-descriptions were collected in 2020. The obtained results showed that in both generations simple extended sentences dominate, so complex sentences take up a smaller share than expected. However, certain classes stand out in both generations. In 2001, second-grade pupils used the highest percentage of complex sentences in their self-descriptions, as much as 41.11 %, while in the other participants' groups this percentage was significantly lower. Research has shown that younger school-aged children are still more inclined to write simple extended sentences as well as twenty years ago. Even in the fourth-grade complex sentences are still used less in writing than simple extended ones. During the research, the fourth grade from 2020 stood out because these pupils used the largest number of multiple compound sentences. The fourth graders also showed reduced use of the sentence sequence compared to the second graders and increased production of the compound and opposite sentences, which is certainly an indicator of their syntactic development.
mlađa školska dob
sintaksa hrvatskoga jezika
vrste rečenica
učenički pisani sastavci
Keywords (english)
a younger school age
a sentence
pupils' compositions
the syntax of Croatian language
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:138488
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-10-02 11:14:43