Title Sviranje ritamskih udaraljki u dječjem vrtiću
Title (english) Playing rhythmic percussion in kindergarten
Author Danijela Bešlić
Mentor Lidija Nikolić (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Nikolić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2021-10-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music Music Education
Abstract Glazbeni odgoj u dječjem vrtiću obuhvaća niz glazbenih aktivnosti kao što su pjevanje, sviranje, slušanje glazbe, glazbene igre i dječje glazbeno stvaralaštvo. Zadaci glazbenog odgoja su ponajprije pobuditi interes za glazbu, razvijati slušnu radoznalost, pobuditi želju za sudjelovanjem u glazbenim aktivnostima, njegovati i razvijati dječji glas, stvoriti prilike za emocionalno doživljavanje glazbe te razvijati glazbene sposobnosti djeteta. Ritamske sposobnosti djece razvijaju se vrlo rano.
... More Fetus već oko trećeg tromjesečja trudnoće može čuti, procesuirati i zapamtiti glazbene obrasce zvukove. Razvoj ritamskih sposobnosti ovisi o biološkim odrednicama, kulturi u kojoj dijete odrasta te glazbenom obrazovanju. Vježbanje ritma pozitivno utječe na glazbeni razvoj djeteta, ali i na kognitivni, socio-emocionalni i psihomotorni razvoj. Razvoj ritamskih sposobnosti ostvaruje se kroz različite oblike aktivnosti: govorom, brojalicom, igrom ritmovima (razne igre ritamskim motivima, ritamska pratnja pjesmi te sviranje na ritamski predložak). Za ostvarenje ideje da djeca sama izvode i stvaraju glazbu putem sviranja na ritamskim udaraljkama posebno je zaslužan Carl Orff te njegova pedagogija Schulwerk u kojoj je oživjela ideja elementarne glazbe (spajanje plesa, pokreta i govora). Orff je prilagodio udaraljke dječjim psihomotornim sposobnostima te su one time vrlo pogodne djeci za rukovanje i ostvarivanje zvuka. Sviranjem na ritamskim udaraljkama djeca imaju priliku slobodno stvarati odnosno glazbeno se izraziti te se postiže dječja zainteresiranost i uključivanje u glazbene aktivnosti. Uz ritamske udaraljke dječjeg instrumentarija, sviranje se može postići tjeloglazbom i različitim udaraljkama koje su napravljene od raznog materijala. Djecu se s udaraljkama upoznaje postupno kako bi djeca usvojila naziv i karakteristike zvuka pojedine udaraljke. U provođenju aktivnosti sviranja na udaraljkama važno je prije svega pravilno demonstrirati rukovanje udaraljkama i način na koji se postiže zvuk. Less
Abstract (english) Kindergarten music education includes a range of musical activities such as singing, playing, listening to music, music games and children’s music creativity. The tasks of music education are primarily to arouse interest in music, develop auditory curiosity, arouse the desire to participate in musical activities, nurture and develop children's voice, create opportunities for emotional experience of music and develop a child's musical abilities. Rhythmic abilities of children develop very
... More early. The fetus can hear, process, and memorize musical patterns of sounds in the third trimester of pregnancy. The development of rhythmic abilities depends on biological determinants, the culture in which the child grows up and music education. Practicing rhythm has a positive effect on a child's musical development, but also on cognitive, socio-emotional and psychomotor development. The development of rhythmic abilities can be achieved through various forms of activities: speaking, counting, playing rhythms (various games with rhythmic motives, rhythmic accompaniment of songs and playing on a rhythmic template). Carl Orff and his pedagogy Schulwerk, in which the idea of elementary music (a combination of dance, movement and speech) came to life, are especially responsible for the realization of the idea that children perform and create music by playing rhythmic percussion. Orff has adapted percussion to children's psychomotor abilities by making them very suitable for children to handle and make sound. By playing rhythmic percussion, children have the opportunity to create freely or express themselves musically, as well as achieve interest and involvement in musical activities. Besides rhythmic percussion of children's instruments, playing can be achieved through body music and various percussion instruments made of various materials. Children are introduced to percussion gradually in order to adopt the name and sound characteristics of each percussion. In conducting percussion activities, it is important to first properly demonstrate the handling of percussion and the way in which sound is achieved. Less
glazbeni odgoj
ritamske sposobnosti
ritamske udaraljke
Keywords (english)
music education
rhythmic abilities
rhythmic percussion
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:966256
Study programme Title: Undergraduate pre-school education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-18 10:50:52