Abstract | Ovaj rad usmjeren je na analiziranje likovnog stvaralaštva američkog glazbenika i frontmena grupe Nirvana, tekstopisca i umjetnika Kurta Cobaina koji je djelovao u osamdesetim i devedesetim godinama prošloga stoljeća. Likovna umjetnost i glazba dijele kompozicijska načela poput harmonije, ravnoteže i ritma. Mnoge kulture kroz povijest su također povezivale glazbu i likovnu umjetnost, a ta se veza održala i u suvremenom društvu. Teorijsko polazište uključuje i osvrt na likovno stvaralaštvo glazbenika i umjetnika kao što su Marilyn Manson, David Bowie, Rick Allen i Josef Albers. Definirane su likovne tehnike koje je Cobain koristio, te su četiri rada analizirana. Kurt Cobain bio je čovjek koji se borio s bipolarnim poremećajem i ovisnošću. Poznati umjetnici s bipolarnim poremećajem su bili Vincent Van Gogh, Edvard Munch i Jackson Pollock. Cobain se cijeli život se bavio umjetnošću te je uz pisanje tekstova i skladanje, stvarao i likovna djela. Analize Likovnih radova otkrivaju da su djela pratila teme njegovih tekstova, a osjećaje je izražavao kroz mračni smisao za humor. Česti motivi Cobainovih radova su bile lutke, marionete, anatomija čovjeka, neobični likovi i autoportreti. Koristio je poglavito tehnike plošnog oblikovanja kao što su slikanje i crtanje. Slikao je akrilom i uljem, crtao je olovkom i flomasterom često kombinirajući tehnike. Analiza likovnih djela i tehnika dovodi do uočavanja isprepletenosti glazbe i likovnog stvaralaštva Kurta Cobaina. Likovna umjetnost glazbenika prikazuje emocije, raspoloženja, životne priče, voljene osobe, baš poput likovnih umjetnika koji stvaraju poruke i prikazuju ono što žele pokazati cijelom svijetu. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis is focused on the analysis of the artistic creations of the American musician and frontman of the group Nirvana, songwriter and artist Kurt Cobain, who was active in the eighties and nineties of the last century. Fine art and music share compositional principles such as harmony, balance and rhythm. Many cultures throughout history have also connected music and visual arts, and this connection has been maintained in modern society as well. The theoretical starting point also includes a review of the artistic creations of musicians and artists such as Marilyn Manson, David Bowie, Rick Allen and Josef Albers. The artistic techniques used by Cobain are defined, and four works are analysed. Kurt Cobain was a man who struggled with depression and addiction. Famous artists with bipolar disorder included Vincent Van Gogh, Edvard Munch and Jackson Pollock. Cobain was involved in art all his life, and in addition to writing lyrics and composing, he also created works of art. He was involved in art all his life and, in addition to writing lyrics and composing, he also created visual art. The analysis of his art reveals that the creations followed the themes of his lyrics, and he expressed his feelings through a dark sense of humour. Frequent motifs of Cobain's works were dolls, marionettes, human anatomy, unusual characters and self-portraits. He mainly used surface modelling techniques such as painting and drawing. He painted with acrylic and oil, drew with pencils and felt-tip pens, often combining techniques. The analysis of art works and techniques leads to the observation of the interweaving of Kurt Cobain's music and art. Fine art created by musicians shows emotions, moods, life stories, loved ones, just like fine artists who create messages and show what they want to show to the whole world. |