Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines) |
Abstract | Cilj je rada ispitati povezanost altruizma i profesionalnih interesa kao bitnih, a
nedovoljno istraţenih odrednica kvalitete učiteljevih karakternih i metodičkih odlika
usmjerenih optimalnom ostvarivanju za učenike postavljenih odgojno-obrazovnih ciljeva. U
ovom je korelacijskom istraživanju korišten Upitnik profesionalnih interesa UPI-48 (Šverko i
Babarović, 2016), prilagođena Skala altruizma (Raboteg-Šarić, 2002) i za potrebe ovoga
istraživanja sastavljeni skup pitanja o područjima volonterskoga djelovanja u zajednici (kao
oblika altruizma) te opisa osobnih razloga za volontiranje, kao i subjektivnih percepcija
razloga za volontiranje kod drugih osoba. U anonimnom je i dobrovoljnom istraživanju
sudjelovalo 100 studenata učiteljskoga studija u Osijeku i Slavonskom Brodu, prosječne dobi
19 godina. U analizi su prikazani deskriptivni pokazatelji, korelacije istraživanih varijabli i
analize razlike prosjeka. Rezultati upućuju na povezanosti profesionalnih interesa, altruizma
opisanoga individualnim, prosocijalnim oblicima ponašanja, i volonterskih aktivnosti u
obrazovnom sustavu u studenata, budućih učitelja (edukatora), na način sukladan nalazima
suvremenih istraţivanja o profesionalnim interesima i proaktivnom, altruističnom djelovanju
u zajednici. U istraživanju su opisane implikacije odnosa istraživanih konstrukata altruizma i
profesionalnih interesa u studenata, kao i odnosa profesionalnoga savjetovanja, selekcije,
obrazovanja, ali i mentoriranja i napredovanja učitelja, u cilju planiranja, nadgledanja i
reguliranja trenutne i buduće kvalitete odgojno-obrazovnoga rada studenata–budućih učitelja,
ali i u obrazovnom sustavu trenutno djelujućih edukatora. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between altruism and
professional interests, as important but not enough researched attributes of quality of teacher’s
character and teaching characteristics that contribute to optimal attainment of educational
goals. In this correlation research The Questionnaire of Professional Interests The QPI-48
(Šverko and Babarović, 2016) and modified Altruism Scale (Raboteg-Šarić, 2002) was used,
with additional questions on community volunteer work service (a form of altruism) –
including the description of personal reasons for community service and personal views on
the reasons why others do community service. In this anonymous and voluntary research, the
participants were – 100 students of teacher studies in Osijek and Slavonski Brod, with an
average age of 19 years. The results include descriptive indicators, correlations between
researched variables and mean difference analysis. The findings from the research support the
existence of the relationship between professional interests, self-assessed altruism and prosocial forms of behavior displayer as volunteer work in a way that acknowledges the findings
of contemporary research about vocational preferences and proactive altruistic activity in the
community. This research describes the implications of the relationship between the
researched constructs of altruism and vocational preferences of students with implications for
professional guiadance, selection, education, as well as mentorship and the teacher
improvement, with aim to plan, monitor and regulate teacher's current and future quality. |