Title (Ne)ravnopravna uključenost majki i očeva u školske obveze djeteta
Title (english) (Un)equal involvement of mothers and fathers in their child's school obligations
Author Angela Mrkonić
Mentor Maja Brust Nemet (mentor)
Committee member Rahaela Varga (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Huljev (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Brust Nemet (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2024-07-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy General Pedagogy
Abstract Cilj ovoga rada je dati pregled relevantne znanstvene i stručne literature o rodnoj ravnopravnosti, njezinom utjecaju na podjelu dužnosti u obitelji, a osobito one za školske obveze djece te istaknuti dobrobiti sudjelovanja u iste i međusobne suradnje škole, roditelja i djece. Društvene su razlike među ženama i muškarcima, kao i kulturološke i povijesne razlike, podrazumijevane rodom, a osim toga, rod uključuje i različite društvene uloge i očekivanja. Riječ je o važnom obliku društvene stratifikacije u gotovo svim društvima, a obitelj kao temeljna jedinica organizacije društva donosi najvažniji razvojni konktekst unutar kojega se uči o društvenim ulogama. Koncept ravnopravnosti spolova podjednako vrednuje ulogu muškaraca i žena, promatrajući ih kao ravnopravne i punopravne partnere. Roditeljstvo je dinamičan proces koji bi trebao proizlaziti iz međusobnih pregovora, dogovora i promišljanja roditelja te podrazumijeva podjednaku ulogu oba roditelja. Ipak, u praksi još uvijek nije prisutna potpuna egalitarna podjela roditeljskih zaduženja vezanih uz skrb oko djeteta, premda bi dijeljenje odgovornosti za isto moglo pružiti priliku svakom od partnera da ima vrijeme za sebe. Majke najčešće nose najveći, ako ne i sav, teret brige i skrbi za dijete, pa tako i za njegovo obrazovanje. Međutim, i očevi su cijenjeni u svojim ulogama u odgoju i razvoju djeteta te je vrlo važno za dijete, ali i cijelu obitelj, da očevi budu aktivni članovi obitelji i da održavaju blizak odnos s djecom. Kada se radi o školskim obvezama, one su vrlo važne za dječji razvoj jer predstavljaju jedan od prvih razvojnih zadataka kojima djeca mogu potvrditi vlastite sposobnosti. Školski uspjeh pridonosi uspjehu i u drugim područjima života djeteta zbog činjenice da djeluje osnažujuće na samopouzdanje i samopoštovanje. Roditeljska uključenost u obrazovanje djeteta se može podijeliti prema različitim aspektima, a to su obrazovne aktivnosti unutar vlastitog doma, komunikacija sa školom te sudjelovanje u školskim aktivnostima. Ponašanje roditelja će utjecati na stavove djeteta i njegovu motivaciju za sve što se zbiva oko njega, a osobito za školu i školske obveze. Dijete aktivno obrađuje informacije i konstruira sliku o sebi kroz ponašanje roditelja, stoga sve vrste uključenosti roditelja u školske obveze i aktivnosti djeteta imaju učinak na djecu.
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is to provide a review of relevant scientific and professional literature on gender equality, its influence on the duties division in the family, especially those for children's school obligations, and to highlight the benefits of participating in the same and the benefits of mutual cooperation between schools, parents and children. Social differences between women and men are implied by gender as well as cultural and historical differences, and in addition, gender includes different social roles and expectations. It is an important social form of stratification in almost all societies and the family as the fundamental unit of the organizaton of society proviedes the most important developmental context within which social roles are learned. The concept of gender equality equally values the role of men and women, viewing them as equal and full partners. Parenting is a dynamic process that should result from mutual negotiations, agreements and reflections of the parents, and implies an equal role for both parents. However, there is still no complete egalitarian divison of parental resposibilities related to childcare in practice, although sharing resposibility for the same could provide an oppurtunity for each partner to have time for themselves. Mothers usually bear the greatest burden of care and concern for the child including its education. However, fathers are also valued in their roles in child rearing and development, and it is very important for the child as well as for the whole family, that fathers are active members of the family and maintain a close relationship with their own children. When it comes to school obligations, they are very important for children's development because they represent one of the first developmental tasks for children to confirm their abilities. School success contiributes to success in other areas of a child's life as well due to the fact that it has a empowering effect on self-confidence and self-esteem. Parental involvement in child's education can be divided according to different aspects: educational activities within their own home, communication with the school and the participation in school activities. Parents' behaviour will affect the child's attitudes and his motivation for everything that happens around him, especially for school and school obligations. The child actively processes information and constructs self-image through the behaviour of the parents, therefore all types of parental involvement in the child's school duties and activities have an impact on the children.
rodna ravnopravnost
uključenost roditelja
školske obveze
Keywords (english)
gender equality
parental involvement
school obligations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:357708
Study programme Title: University integrated undergraduate and graduate study programme in TEACHER STUDIES Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-07-12 16:09:57