Abstract | Shvaćanja o djetetu i djetinjstvu mijenjala su se kroz povijest i za očekivati je da će se mijenjati i u budućnosti. Od pasivnog objekta koje je potrebno pripremiti za život odrasle osobe, preko „zlog stvorenja” koje treba preodgojiti, potom nježnog bića koje treba zaštitu, polako se razvilo shvaćanje da je dijete aktivni subjekt u vlastitom životu i aktivni sudionik u zajednici. Krajem 20. stoljeća UN donosi Konvenciju o pravima djeteta koja između ostalih uključuje i prava sudjelovanja djece, te na taj način i u pravni sustav polako ulaze termini autonomije i participacije djece. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati pojam autonomije djece rane dobi te istražiti moguće uloge odgajatelja u poticanju djetetove autonomije. Autonomija se odnosi na kritičko razmišljanje, donošenje odluka i djelovanje u skladu s njima. Razvoj autonomije kod djece u ranom djetinjstvu bitan je za ukupan razvoj djeteta jer kroz razvoj autonomije dijete stječe brojne vještine i kompetencije. Ona djetetu omogućava kvalitetniju sadašnjost samog djetinjstva, ali i olakšano odrastanje u autonomnu odraslu osobu. Autonomija je pravo svakog djeteta, a obveza je odraslih da osiguraju djeci ostvarenje tog prava. Odrasla osoba ima važnu ulogu u poticanju djetetove autonomije pri čemu može poticati, ali i ograničavati autonomiju. Iz literature je vidljivo da odrasla osoba i dalje zadržava značajnu količinu moći u odnosu dijete-odrasla osoba. Stoga je razumijevanje tog odnosa, posebno u institucijskom kontekstu, veoma značajno. Nerazumijevanje tog odnosa može kod djeteta prouzročiti izbjegavanje odgovornosti zbog prevelikog pritiska okoline i izbjegavanje donošenja odluka zbog straha od loših posljedica. U suvremenom svijetu, u kojem brojna djeca provode značajan dio svog vremena u dječjim vrtićima, odgojitelji imaju posebno važnu ulogu u poticanju autonomije djece u ranom djetinjstvu. Kako bi bili uspješni u svojoj ulozi, odgojitelji moraju biti autonomni pojedinci u društvu i razumjeti svoju ulogu u poticanju autonomije kod drugih. Obveza je svakog odgojitelja (i drugog stručnjaka za rad s djecom) da bude refleksivni praktičar i profesionalno raste jer je to jedini način da kvalitetno podržava dječji razvoj, a samim time i razvoj autonomije. Uloga odgojitelja u poticanju autonomije kod djece jest da im osigurava poticajno prostorno, materijalno, vremensko i socijalno okruženje, kao i prilike za samostalno i suvereno djelovanje i prilike za prelazak u zonu sljedećeg razvoja. Jedna od njegovih uloga je i usmjerena na rad s roditeljima s kojima mora komunicirati o djetetu kao autonomnom biću i time stvarati zajedničke i usuglašene ciljeve odgoja i obrazovanja usmjerene na dobrobit djeteta. |
Abstract (english) | The comprehensions of the child and childhood have changed throughout history, and it is to be expected that they will change in the future as well. From a passive object that needs to be prepared for the life of an adult, past an “evil creature” that needs to be re-educated, then a gentle being that needs protection, the comprehension that the child is an active subject in his/her own life and an active participant in the community, slowly developed. At the end of the 20th century, the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which, among others, includes the rights of children to participate, and in this way, the terms of autonomy and participation of children are slowly entering the legal system. The aim of this paper is to analyze the concept of autonomy of children of early age and to investigate the possible roles of educators in encouraging the child's autonomy. Autonomy refers to critical thinking, making decisions and acting in accordance with them. The development of autonomy in children in early childhood is important for the overall development of the child because, through the development of autonomy, the child acquires numerous skills and competencies. It enables the child to have a more quality present of childhood itself, but also facilitates growing up into an autonomous adult. Autonomy is the right of every child, and it is the obligation of adults to ensure the effectuation of that right to children. An adult person has an important role in encouraging the child's autonomy, whereupon the adult can encourage but also limit autonomy. It is evident from the literature that the adult still retains a significant amount of power in the child-adult relation. Therefore, understanding that relationship, especially in an institutional context, is very significant. Failure to understand that relationship can cause the child to avoid responsibility due to excessive societal pressure and to avoid making decisions due to fear of bad consequences.
In the modern world, where many children are spending a significant part of their time in kindergartens, educators have a particularly momentous role in encouraging children's autonomy in early childhood. To be successful in their role, educators must be autonomous individuals in society and understand their role in encouraging autonomy in others. It is the obligation of every educator (and any other specialist in working with children) to be a reflexive practitioner and to grow professionally, because that is the only way to provide quality support for children's development, and therefore also for the development of autonomy. The role of educators in encouraging autonomy in children is to provide them with a stimulating spatial, material, temporal and social environment, as well as opportunities for independent and sovereign action and opportunities to move to the zone of proximal development. Moreover, one of the educator’s roles is focused on working with parents, with whom the educator must communicate about the child as an autonomous being and thereby create common and agreed- upon goals of upbringing and education aimed at the well-being of the child. |