Abstract | S obzirom na postojanje različitih ekoloških problema, koji se razvijaju i rastu sve brže, jedno od osnovnih područja društvenog razvitka jest odgoj za okoliš. Sve se više pažnje posvećuje unaprjeđivanju životne okoline i ekološkom odgoju mlađih generacija, pošto bez njih nije moguće doći do većih zaokreta. Temeljna zamisao ekološkog odgoja u današnjem je vremenu usmjerena na širenje svijesti i spoznaja o trenutačnom stanju okoliša na Zemlji, kao i na poduzimanje konkretnih mjera za njegovu zaštitu (Petrović-Sočo, 1996, 39). Najveću ulogu u odgoju djece imaju primarno roditelji, a zatim i odgojitelji. Uloga predškolske ustanove, odnosno odgojitelja je da svoje zadaće i napore usmjerava prema stvaranju temelja za izgradnju cjelokupne društvene ekološke svijesti. Farkaš (2003.) ističe da djeca rado prihvaćaju razne ekološke aktivnosti i radionice u vrtiću, sami daju prijedloge za daljnje aktivnosti, a posebna vrijednost ovakva rada pokazala se u primjeni i očitovanju stečenog znanja djece i u obiteljskom okruženju. Dok u vrtiću odgojitelj omogućuje stjecanje pozitivnih navika i razvijanje ekološke svijesti, treba se zapitati u kolikoj je mjeri to zastupljeno i kod kuće. Razni primjeri iz prakse sadržani u zbornicima radova govore o raznim eko-projektima, razvoju i unaprjeđenju ekološke svijesti čiji je cilj djeci ugraditi znanje razumijevanja prirodnih procesa, razviti pozitivne stavove prema okolišu i osjetljivost prema prirodi. No, ne govore ništa o sudjelovanju roditelja. Pošto znamo kako je obitelj temeljna društvena zajednica, a roditelji primarni učitelji, cilj je istražiti koliko važnosti roditelji predškolske djece pridaju ekološkim temama u dječjim vrtićima te koliko važnosti oni sami pridaju ekologiji općenito. Istraživanje je provedeno kratkom anketom. Iako 77% odgojitelja smatra da bi djeca trebala svakodnevno boraviti u prirodi, broj roditelja koji dijele to mišljenje je 58%. Prva veća razlika u mišljenjima roditelja i odgojitelja vidi se kod tvrdnje da su djeca predškolskog uzrasta premala da bi shvatila značenje ekologije i njenih pojmova. Dok se 86% odgojitelja u potpunosti ne slaže s navedenom tvrdnjom, istog je mišljenja tek 55% roditelja. Nesigurnost roditelja također dolazi do izražaja i kod tvrdnje da se u vrtiću treba učiti o obnovljivim i neobnovljivim izvorima energije. Dok se 71% odgojitelja s tvrdnjom u potpunosti slaže, kod roditelja je taj postotak 37%. Pri usporedbi rezultata roditelja prema mjestu prebivališta (selo/grad) čak 19% roditelja s prebivalištem na selu smatra kako je djecu potrebno upoznati s ekološkim temama u nižim razredima osnovne škole. Po prvi puta se roditelji s prebivalištem na selu u potpunosti slažu s nekom tvrdnjom u većoj mjeri nego roditelji iz grada kod tvrdnje da je djeci u vrtiću potrebno ukazati na probleme nedostatka pitke vode, nestanak šuma i sl. (65%). Ostali odgovori pretežno su isti ili postoje manje razlike, većinom kod biranja intenziteta slaganja, odnosno ne slaganja. Iako su se određene razlike u odgovorima vidjele, one su bile male. Na kraju se može zaključiti da roditelji, bez obzira na mjesto prebivališta, to jest ekološke poticaje i prilike koje im nudi ruralna odnosno urbana zajednica imaju slična mišljenja o tome kakva bi ponašanja i stavove njihova djeca trebala usvojiti u dječjem vrtiću. Uz to, rezultati usporedbe ispitanih roditelja i odgojitelja nemaju naznake da bi moglo doći do diskontinuiteta prilikom ekološkog odgoja. |
Abstract (english) | Due to the existence of different environmental problems, which are developing and growing fast , environmental education has become one of the main areas of social development . More and more attention is paid to the improvement of environment and environmental education of the younger generation, because without them it is not possible to get to the major turnaround. "The basic idea of environmental education nowadays is focused on raising awareness and knowledge about the current state of the environment on Earth, as well as taking concrete measures for its protection" (Petrovic-Soco, 1996, 39). The biggest role in educating the children have primary the parents, then the kindergarten teachers. The role of preschools, and kindergarten teachers is that they focus their tasks and efforts on creating the foundations for the construction of all social environmental awareness. Farkas (2003) points out that children are happy to accept a variety of environmental activities and workshops in kindergarten, they give suggestions theirself for further activities, and the special value of this kind of work proved to be in the application of acquired knowledge of children in their own family environment. While kindergarten teachers enable acquisition of positive habits and development of environmental awareness, the question we should ask ourselves is to what extent is the same represented at home. Multiple examples which can be found in proceedings, say about various eco-projects, the development and enhancement of environmental awareness which aims to incorporate knowledge of understanding of natural processes to children, develop positive attitudes towards the environment and sensitivity towards nature. But they do not say anything about the involvement of parents. Since we know that family is the basic unit of society and parents are primary teachers, the goal here is to explore how important the environmental issues in kindergartens are for preschool childrens parents and the importance of ecology in general. A short survey was conducted to support this research. Although 77% of kindergarten teachers believe that children should spend every day outside, the number of parents who share this opinion is 58%. The first major difference in the opinions of parents and preschool teachers is seen at claims that preschool children "too young" to understand the meaning of ecology and its concepts. While 86% of educators do not fully agree with the above statement, only 55% of parents think the same way. Uncertainty of parents also comes to the fore with the assertion that in kindergarten children need to learn about renewable and non-renewable energy sources. While 71% of preschool teachers fully agrees with the statement, that percentage at parents is 37%. When comparing the results of the parents by the place of residence (rural / urban), 19% of parents who reside in the country believes that children should be familiar with environmental issues in the lower grades of elementary school. For the first time parents who reside in the country fully agree with a statement more than the parents of the city with claims that preschool children are needed to be familiar with the problems of lack of drinking water, deforestation and so on (65%). Other answers are mostly the same, or there are minor differences, mostly in picking intensity of agreement or disagreement. Although some differences in the responses were noticed, these were of minor importance. In the end, the conclusion is that parents, regardless of the place of residence or, in other words, environmental incentives and opportunities offered by rural and urban communities, have similar opinions about what kind of behavior and attitudes their children should adopt in kindergarten. In addition, the comparison of examinees results , both parents and kindergarten teachers, have no indication that there could be a discontinuity during environmental education. |