Abstract | Dječji glazbeni folklor dio je cjelokupnog dječjeg folklora kojem pripadaju brojalice, uspavanke, dječje pjesme, dječje igre s pjevanjem, dječji narodni plesovi i dječji narodni instrumenti. Brojalice su najčešće plod dječje mašte i često nemaju smisla te služe odabiru igrača u nekoj igri. Uspavanke su i danas vrlo popularne, a koriste ih najčešće majke i bake kako bi uspavale djecu. Dječje narodne pjesme jednostavnih su melodija ispunjene vedrinom i živahnošću. U dječjim igrama s pjevanjem spojeni su svi aspekti glazbe i njima dijete zadovoljava sve potrebe za plesom, glazbom i igrom. Dječje narodne plesove također nalazimo u dječjem glazbenom folkloru. Naime, veliki broj plesova, napušteni od odraslih, nastavili su živjeti u dječjoj igri. Narodni dječji instrumenti potječu iz prirodnog okružja kao npr. svirala od kukuruzovine, zvono, rog, stabljika maslačka, vlat trave, žir, i dr. U okviru ovoga rada provedeno je i istraživanje dječjeg glazbenog folklora u Osnovnoj školi Sikirevci kako bi se saznalo sljedeće: zašto se učenici odlučuju polaziti izvannastavnu aktivnost Mali folklor, koje su im omiljene aktivnosti te nastupaju li, imaju nošnju i jesu li uključeni u folklorni ples i izvan škole. Podatci su prikupljeni u ožujku 2014. god. pomoću anketnog ispitivanja i promatrana su tri sata izvannastavne aktivnosti Mali folklor kojeg polazi 17 učenika. Rezultati su pokazali da učenice više polaze Mali folklor nego učenici. Kao glavni razlog odabira ove aktivnosti učenici su istaknuli prisustvovanje priredbama folklornog plesa odraslih. Svi učenici su nastupali na školskim priredbama. Gotovo polovica njih sudjeluje i u folklornom društvu izvan škole. Dobiveni rezultati potvrdili su očekivanja kako se djevojčice više uključuju u rad folklornih društava i da je najčešći razlog uključivanja jer vole plesati. Sustavnim promatranjem Malog folklora uočeno je da učenici rado uče nove, njima dotad nepoznate pjesme, plesove i igre. Posebna motivacija im je oblačenje nošnje povodom nastupa koji se održavaju u sklopu blagdana i školskih priredbi. |
Abstract (english) | Children's folk music is a part of the overall children's folklore which includes nursery rhymes, lullabies, children's songs, children's games with singing, children's dances and children's folk instruments. Nursery Rhymes are usually the result of a child's imagination and often do not make sense and are used to select players in a game. Lullabies are still very popular and commonly used by mothers and grandmothers to lulled children. Children's folk songs are simple melodies filled with cheerfulness and liveliness. The children's singing games are connected to all aspects of music and they fulfill their needs for dancing, music and games. Children's folk dances are also found in the children's musical folklore. In fact, a large number of dances, abandoned by adults, continue to live in children's games. Children's folk instruments originate from the natural environment such as playing of maize, bell, horn, dandelion, blade of grass, acorns, etc. As part of this work a research has been conducted to explore the children's folk music in elementary school Sikirevci to find out the following: why students decide to attend an extracurricular activity Little folklore, which are their favourite activities, do they perform, do they have costumes and are they involved in folk dancing outside the school. The data were collected in March of 2014 by using the survey and observing three hours of extracurricular activity Little folklore which attend 17 students. The results showed that more female pupils attend Little folklore than male pupils. As the main reason for choosing this activity, students have pointed out their attendance to adults' performance of folk dancing. All students participate at school events. Nearly half of them participate in the folklore society outside the school. The results confirmed expectations that girls are more involved in the work of folklore societies and that the most common reason for participation is their love towards dancing. Systematic observation of Little folklore has shown that students love to learn new, unknown songs, dances and games. Special motivation for them is wearing costumes on the occasion of performances that take place in the framework of the holidays and school events. |