Title Vukovar i okolica u Domovinskome ratu
Title (english) Vukovar and the region in the Homeland war
Author Teuta Nemeš
Mentor Hrvoje Volner (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Volner (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alma Škugor (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Matanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education (Department of Lifelong Learning) Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-07-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract Bitka za obranu Vukovara bila je teška, krvava i neravnopravna, apsolutno nepravedna, ali časna i obrambena. Sva ratna događanja u gradu bila su nametnuta braniteljima Vukovara od strane JNA i njihovih pomagača. Nepravda se očitovala u golemom nesrazmjeru naoružanja i vojske. Odnos snaga govori o apsolutnoj prednosti JNA. Na prostoru istočne Slavonije i zapadnog Srijema, od srpnja do prosinca 1991. našlo se oko 80.000 vojnika, oko 1.900 oklopnih borbenih vozila, oko 900 vozila topničke borbene
... More potpore i oko 700 oruđa za protuzračnu obranu. Vukovarske snage bile su dio vojske u nastajanju, slabo naoružane, s malo protuoklonih sredstava te nedovoljnim topništvom. Hrvatska je bila nepripremljena i kao takva brzo je stavljena u ratne uvjete. Domovina se našla u ratnom stanju, bez oružja. Strategija JNA i svekolike srpske politike bila je razoriti grad i uništiti sve tragove jedne civilizacije, nacije, kulture i običaja. Vukovar je stavljen u bitku koja je obilježena teškim bombardiranjem i razaranjem grada, broj ranjenih i poginulih penjao se vrtoglavom brzinom. Teško je bilo braniti grad, njegov položaj i cijelu njegovu okolicu. Sam geografski položaj otežavao bi obranu najobrambenijoj vojsci, a Vukovar su branili slabo naoružani branitelji. Također, geostrateški položaj Vukovara išao je u prilog neprijateljima, a ubrzo se Vukovar pretvorio u grotlo pakla, ognja i smrti u kojem je počelo umirati svako biće već početkom rujna 1991. Analizom mnogih događaja nameće se zaključak da JNA nije imala elementarnu motivaciju za ratovanje. Fenomen Vukovara danas je predmet mnogih svjetskih analiza vojnih učilišta zbog odnosa snaga koje su ratovale u gradu i uspjeha hrvatskih branitelja koji su se uspjeli odupirati neprijatelju punih 87 dana, od 25.8.1991. sve do 18.11.1991. Vukovar je time postao vojno značajan za obranu i opstanak Republike Hrvatske, ali i simbol otpora agresorskoj vojsci. Temeljem dostupnih izvora, ovaj rad samo je jedan prilog analizi herojske obrane Vukovara. Less
Abstract (english) The battle for the defense of Vukovar was difficult, bloody and unequal, absolutely unfair, however honorable and defensive. All war events in the city were imposed on the defenders of Vukovar by the JNA and their supporters. The injustice was reflected in the huge disproportion of arms and armies. The balance of power between two armies points to absolute advantage of the JNA. In the period between July and December 1991, there were approximately 80.000 soldiers, 1.900 armored combat
... More vehicles, 900 artillery support vehicles and 700 weapons for air defense on the territory of eastern Slavonija and western Srijem.The Vukovar forces were part of the part of the army that was in the process of its development, with miserably anti-inflammatory resources and lack of artillery. Croatia was unprepared and it was quickly placed under war conditions. The country was in war without any weapons. The JNA's strategy and policy was to destroy the city and all traces of a civilization, nation, culture and customs. Vukovar was placed in a battle that was marked by the bombing and destruction of the city, with the number of wounded and killed that was increasing rapidly. It was difficult to defend the city and the whole surrounding area. The geographic position made the defense harder even for the most powerful army and Vukovar itself was defended by poorly armed defenders. Also, the geostrategic position of Vukovar was in favor of the enemies, and Vukovar had soon turned into a hell, fire and death where every creature began to die already in early September 1991. The analysis of many events leads to the conclusion that the JNA had no elementary motivation for the war. The phenomenon of Vukovar has become the subject of many global analyses led by different military colleges that are interested in the balance of power during the war as well as the success of Croatian defenders who had managed to resist the enemy for whole 87 days, in the period from the 25th August to 18th November 1991.Vukovar has became militarily significant for the defense and survival of the Croatia, but also a symbol of resistance to the aggressor army. Based on the available sources, this work is only one contribution to the analysis of the heroic defense of Vukovar. Less
bitka za Vukovar
Domovinski rat
Keywords (english)
battle for Vukovar
Homeland War
18th November 1991
war veterans
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:780404
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2017-07-10 16:30:58