Title Ekološki projekti u dječjem vrtiću
Title (english) Eco-projects in kindergartens
Author Andrea Kečinović
Mentor Irella Bogut (mentor)
Committee member Irella Bogut (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Kelam (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Smajić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract U diplomskome radu opisan je pojam projekt, njegovo značenje, etape i ciklička struktura kao i nekoliko pristupa radu na projektu. Opisan je projektni pristup održivu razvoju, razvijanje ekološke svijesti kod djece te teme koje doprinose razvoju ekološke svijesti. U istraživačkome dijelu provedena je anketa s odgojiteljicama, a rezultati su prikazani statističkom analizom. Rezultati ankete pokazuju kako su interes djece (80% odgojiteljica) i osobni interes (65% odgojiteljica) najveći motivatori
... More za provođenje projekta. Također, veliki postotak uključivanja roditelja u projekt, putem prikupljanja materijala (72% odgojiteljica) ili uključivanjem u aktivnosti (40%) pokazuje ozbiljno shvaćanje ekoloških projekata te njihovu prezentaciju javnosti. Projekti se najčešće provode s djecom starije predškolske dobi (60% odgojiteljica). Odgojiteljice bi se htjele dodatno educirati ili usavršiti na temu ekoloških projekata i to u vidu novih saznanja o ekologiji (40%), novih aktivnosti (48% odgojiteljica), približavanja ekologije djeci (20%) te dodatnih radionica (16%). Odgojiteljice imaju pozitivan stav o ekološkim projektima, smatraju kako povoljno utječu na razvoj ekološke svijesti (28%), kako djeca puno toga mogu naučiti (16%), kako su korisni, poučni i zanimljivi (28%), kako je važno stvoriti naviku očuvanja okoliša (44%) te kako su potrebni zbog promjena u okolišu (4%). Istraživanjem se nastojalo saznati koliko odgojitelji u svome radu provode projekte te koliko su projekti tematski vezani uz ekologiju, koje se ekološke teme najčešće obrađuju i koji je općeniti stav odgojitelja o provedbi ekoloških projekata u dječjem vrtiću. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako odgojiteljice u svome radu provode projekte te projekte tematski vezane uz ekologiju, kao i njihovo pozitivno mišljenje o ekološkim projektima i visoku motiviranost na dodatna stručna usavršavanja i edukacije iz područja ekologije. Less
Abstract (english) In this diploma paper described are the term project, its meaning, stages and cyclical structure as well as several approaches to the project. A project approach to sustainable development of ecological awareness in children and topics contributing to the development of ecological awareness is also described. In the research part, a survey was conducted with the educators, and the results are presents by statistical analysis. The survey results show that the interest of children (80% of
... More educators) and the personal interest (65% of educators) are the biggest motivators for the implementation of the project. Also, a large percentage of parents’ involvement in a project, material collection (72% of educators) or inclusion in activities (40%) shows a serious understanding of ecological projects and their presentation to the public. Projects are mostly carries out with older preschool children (60% of educators). Educators would like to further educate or improve on ecological projects in the form of new knowledge about ecology (40%), new activities (48% of educators), ecology approaches to children (20% ) and additional workshops (16%). Educators have a positive attitude about ecological projects, they consider it beneficial to the development of ecological awareness (28%), as children can learn a lot from ecological projects (16%), consider them useful, instructive and interesting (28%), important in creating a habit of conservation the environment (44%) and the need for changes in the environment (4%). The research sought to find out how many educators in their work are carrying out projects and how many themes are related to ecology, most ecologically themed and the general attitude of educators about the implementation of ecological projects in kindergarten. The research has shown that the educators in their work are carrying out projects and themes related to ecology, as well as their positive opinion on ecological projects and high motivation for additional professional training and education in the field of ecology. Less
ekološki projekt
ekološka svijest
čuvanje okoliša
Keywords (english)
ecological project
ecological awareness
environmental protection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:383568
Study programme Title: Graduate pre-school education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-09-24 12:16:40