Abstract | Potreba za održivim razvojem pojavila se zbog mnogobrojnih uzročnika onečišćenja okoliša poput porasta stanovništva i urbanizacije koji su pokrenuli snažan razvoj industrije i poljoprivrede, veliku energetsku potrošnju, razvoj prometa i turizma te neprestano gomilanje otpada. Veliki problem predstavlja i nedostatak ekološke svijesti, narušena ravnoteža između napretka, razvoja i prirodnih ekosustava te stvaranje sve većeg jaza između bogatih i siromašnih država. Navedeni uzročnici ugrožavaju prirodu i svijet svojim posljedicama – kiselim kišama, globalnim klimatskim promjenama, onečišćenjima zraka, vode i tla, smanjivanjem ozonskog omotača oko Zemlje i efektom staklenika. Zbog navedenoga svijetu prijeti povećan broj suša, poplava, potresa i ostalih nepogoda, povećanje globalne temperature na Zemlji što potiče podizanje razine mora zbog čega se smanjuju prirodna staništa mnogih biljaka i životinja koje postaju ugrožene, ali i staništa čovjeka. Također ponestaje pitke vode, obradive zemlje i povećava se širenje raznih bolesti. Kako bi došlo do promjena, 1987. godine razvijen je koncept održivog razvoja. Svijet se potiče na održiv način razvoja, odnosno razvoja koji zadovoljava potrebe današnjih generacija, a ne ugrožava zadovoljavanje potreba budućih generacija. UN je proglasio razdoblje od 2005. do 2014. godine Desetljećem obrazovanja za održivi razvoj. Ovim postupkom naglašava se važna uloga obrazovanja u ostvarivanju održivog razvoja. Stoga institucije poput dječjeg vrtića imaju važnu ulogu, a to je proširiti dječja znanja o okolišu, poticati razvoj dječje ljubavi prema prirodi, razvoj sposobnosti, stavova i vještina koje će im omogućiti življenje u skladu s održivim razvojem. Budućnost je svijeta u rukama djece. Poticanje razvoja svijesti za održivi razvoj može se provoditi na razne načine. Bitno je omogućiti djeci da izađu van i istražuju prirodu sami, pružiti priliku da donose odluke, rješavaju probleme i omogućiti im slobodu izbora. Također, da proučavajući ju nauče koliko je ona važna za ljude te shvate potrebu njena očuvanja. Kroz radionice provedene u DV „Mak“ pokazalo se kako su djeca sposobna učiti od najranije dobi o važnosti i načinima očuvanja prirode. Potrebno je uložiti trud i misliti pozitivno jer svaka mala promjena čini mnogo za okoliš. održivi razvoj, rani odgoj i obrazovanje za održivi razvoj, okoliš, dijete |
Abstract (english) | The necessity for sustainable development became apparent due to the multiple causes of environment pollution, such as population increase and urbanization, which started a powerful increase in the development of industry and agriculture, a large increase in energy consumption, the development of transport and tourist industry, and the continual massing of waste. Other significant problems are the lack of awareness about ecology, the imbalance between progress, development and the natural ecosystems, and the creation of an ever-increasing gap between rich and poor countries. The stated causes jeopardise nature and the world through their consequences – acid rain, global climate change, air, water, and soil pollution, the reduction of the Earth’s ozone layer, and the greenhouse effect. Because of all this the world is threatened by an increasing number of droughts, flooding, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. The increase of the Earth’s global temperature leads to an increase of the sea level, which then reduces the natural habitats of many plants and animals, and causes them to become endangered. These occurrences also cause the reduction of habitats suitable for humans. The supply of potable water and arable land is also becoming low and the spreading of infectious diseases is increasing. The concept of sustainable development was developed in 1987 with the goal of changing the situation. The world is encouraged to develop sustainably, that is, to develop in a way, which fulfils the needs of today’s generations while not endangering the needs of future generations. The UN has declared the period from 2005 to 2014 to be the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. This emphasises the important role of education in realising sustainable development. Therefore institutions like kindergartens play an important role, which is to expand the knowledge of children about the environment, encourage the development of love the children have towards nature, develop abilities, attitudes, and skills which will enable children to live according to the principles of sustainable development. The future of the world is in the hands of children. Encouraging the development of awareness for sustainable development can be done in many ways. It is important to create opportunities for children to go outside and explore nature on their own, offer them the opportunity to make choices, solve problems, and give them the freedom of choice. Also, through the exploration of nature, children should learn how important it is for people and understand the need for its preservation. The workshops done in the kindergarten “Mak” showed that children are capable for learning from the earliest age about the importance and ways to preserve nature. It is necessary to invest some effort and to have positive thoughts because every small change does a lot for the environment. |