Abstract | Samoregulacija je ključni posrednik između urođenih predispozicija, ranih iskustava i funkcioniranja u odrasloj dobi (Fonagy i Target, 2002). Samoregulacija zahtijeva svijest o društvenim normama i ponašanju koje je prihvatljivo te je kao takva značajna u socijalizaciji djece. Djeca se socijaliziraju u odnosima s drugima, vršnjacima i odraslima, te se iz tog interakcijskog procesa počinje pojavljivati i razvijati sposobnost samoregulacije (Kopp, 1982). Temperament opisuje djetetov ukupni stil ponašanja. Ne ističe se što dijete čini, već kako ono to čini (Vasta, Haith i Miller, 1997). U ovome je istraživanju ispitana povezanost samoregulacije i dimenzija temperamenta kod djece u dobi od pete do sedme godine (N=147). Ispitana je povezanost samoregulacije i temperamenta s dobi te povezanost između svih dimenzija temperamenta, razlika u samoregulaciji i dimenzijama temperamenta s obzirom na dob. Samoregulacija dječjega ponašanja je procijenjena Marshmallow Testom. Dijete može birati: uzeti manju trenutnu nagradu (jednu čokoladicu) ili čekati i dobiti uvećanu nagradu (dvije čokoladice). Praćeno je vrijeme koliko su djeca čekala, jesu li uopće čekala ili su odmah uzela manju nagradu, odustala od čekanja i moguće uvećane nagrade. Temperament svakoga djeteta procijenile su odgojiteljice (N=26) EASI upitnikom dječjega temperamenta, kojeg su izradili Buss i Plomin (1975). U ovome istraživanju nije utvrđena povezanost između dječje samoregulacije i dimenzija temperamenta, nema povezanosti između samoregulacije i dobi, niti statistički značajne razlike u samoregulaciji djece s obzirom na spol. Rezultati prikazuju statistički značajnu povezanost dimenzija impulzivnosti i emocionalnosti s dobi djece te značajnu povezanost četiriju dimenzija temperamenta. Nadalje, postoji statistički značajna razlika između rezultata djevojčica i dječaka postignutih za pojedine dimenzije temperamenta. |
Abstract (english) | Self-regulation is the key mediator between genetic predispositions, early experiences, and adult functioning (Fonagy and Target, 2002). Self-regulation demands awareness of socially approved behaviors. Therefore, self-regulation is significant in the socialization of children. Children are being socialized by others, peers and adults, and consequently the capacity for self-regulation emerges from this interactional process (Kopp, 1982). The temperament describes the overall style of child’s behavior. It does not highlight what a child does, but in which way he does it (Vasta, Haith, and Miller, 1997). This research examines the correlation of self-regulation and temperament dimensions of children who are five to seven years old (N=147). The correlation of self-regulation and temperament with age was examined, as well as the correlation between all the temperament dimensions, and distinction in self-regulation and temperament dimensions considering the age. Self-regulation of child's behavior was estimated with Marshmallow Test. A child can choose: to take the smaller current reward (one chocolate) or to wait and get an increased reward (two chocolates). The time has been tracked, as well as how long children had waited, did they wait at all or did they take the smaller reward immediately, gave up on waiting and possible increased reward. The temperament of each child was evaluated by preschool teachers (N=26), who estimated items on the EASI questionnaire of child’s temperament, which was made by Buss and Plomin (1975). This research did not establish any correlation between the child’s self-regulation and temperament dimensions, there is no correlation between self-regulation and age, nor the statistic significant difference in child’s self-regulation considering the gender. The results show statistically significant correlation between dimensions of impulsivity and emotionality with children’s age, as well as the significant correlation of four temperament dimensions. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant difference between the results of girls and the results of boys that were achieved for certain temperament dimensions. |