Abstract | Svrha završnog dijela sata je približiti sve fiziološke i psihičke funkcije stanju kakvo je bilo prije početka sata. U antropološkim zadaćama primjenjuju se sadržaji kojima je posljedica smirivanje organizma. Obrazovne zadaće upućuju na usvajanje i usavršavanje motoričkih znanja te na stjecanje znanja, posebno ona koja se tiču zdravlja. Odgojne zadaće potiču na posebno raspoloženje uslijed sata, na higijenske navike i usvajanje radnih navika, te na smisao za red, točnost, kritičnost i samokritičnost. Sadržaji su puno mirnijeg karaktera od ostalih dijelova sata stoga što organizam mora biti u procesu smirivanja i opuštanja. Dolaze u obzir razne vrste hodanja, elementarne igre mirnijeg karaktera, štafetne elementarne igre, plesovi te vježbe disanja. Rad prikazuje nove originalne sadržaje za završni dio sata koji imaju ulogu opuštanja, smirivanja, zabave, poticanja koncentracije, poštivanja pravila, razvijanja refleksa, suradnje, povjerenja, koordinacije pokreta, uvježbavanja različitih oblika kretanja, vještine bacanja, gađanja i hvatanja, razvoja preciznosti i motorike ruku i nogu, emocionalnosti te socijalizacije. Organizacija ovisi o sadržaju koji se primjenjuje u završnom dijelu sata, a provodi se najčešće u pojedinačnom obliku rada. Djeca mogu biti u polukrugu, vrsti ili koloni. Potrebno im je opisati i demonstrirati zadatak nakon čega ga oni izvode. Odgajatelj je tu da nadgleda svu djecu i da se, po potrebi, uključi ukoliko nekom djetetu treba dodatno pojašnjenje. Najbolje rješenje na kraju sata je pranje ruku i umivanje jer time djeca stječu higijenske navike. Trajanje završnog dijela sata za mlađu i srednju dobnu skupinu je 2-3 min., a za stariju dobnu skupinu 2-4 min. Na kraju sata treba pregledati jesu li sve sprave i rekviziti na svome mjestu, te se nakon postrojavanja organizirano napušta prostor za vježbanje. |
Abstract (english) | The purpose of the final part of the lesson is to bring all physiological and psychic functions closer to what they were before the beginning of the lesson. In anthropological taska, the contents thet result in the calming of the organism are applied. Educational tasks indicate the acquisition and improvement of motor skills and acquiring knowledge, especially those who concerning health. Educational tasks are encouraged in particular mood due to hours, hygiene and work habits, and a sense of order, accuracy, criticality and self-criticism. The contents are much calmer than other parts of the clock because the body has to be in the process of calming and relaxing. Various types of walking, elementary games come into play calmer character, relay elementary games, dances, and breathing exercises. The final paper presents new original content for the final part of the lesson that has the role of relaxing,calm, have fun, encourage concentration, obey rules, develop reflexes, collaborate, confidence, movement coordination, practicing different forms of movement, throwing skills, shooting and catching, developing precision and motor skills of hands and feet, emotionality and socialization. The organization depends on the content that is implemented in the final part of the hour, and is being implemented most often in a single form of work. Children can be in semicircle, type or column. Needed they have to describe and demonstrate the task after which they perform it. The educator is there to supervise all children and, if necessary, be included if any child needs further clarification.The best solution at the end of the hour is to wash your hands and wash your face, as this will help your children gain hygiene habits. The lasting of the final part of the hour for the younger and middle age group is 2-3 min., And for the older one age group 2-4 min. At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to check that all the devices and equipment are in place, and after lining they can leave the training room in an organized manner. |