Title Suradnja samohranih roditelja i odgojitelja
Title (english) Cooperation of single parents with educators
Author Antonela Došlić
Mentor Vesnica Mlinarević (mentor)
Mentor Ružica Tokić Zec (sumentor)
Committee member Vesnica Mlinarević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2022-01-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Tema završnog rada je „Suradnja samohranih roditelja i odgojitelja“. Od davnih vremena smatralo se da idealnu obitelj predstavljaju otac, majka i djeca. Otac je taj koji financijski uzdržava obitelj, majka brine isključivo za kućanstvo i odgoj djece, ali to se s vremenom počelo mijenjati. Obitelj predstavlja primarnu zajednicu društva, ali kako se društvo razvija takav tip obitelj se polako mijenja. Danas postoje različite „vrste“ obitelji, postoji i dalje obitelj od oca, majke i djeteta/djece,
... More ali i proširena, zatim izvanbračne zajednice, dvogeneracijske obitelji, istospolne zajednice te jednoroditeljske obitelji odnosno samohrani roditelji. U ovom radu opisano je tko su zapravo samohrani roditelji, njihove poteškoće, njihov život, djeca samohranih roditelja te sama suradnja sdječjim vrtićem i odgojiteljima. Mnogi stereotipi vežu se za samohrane roditelje, ali ponekad je njihov najveći problem nerazumijevanje same okoline za njihovu životnu situaciju. Samohrana obitelj nastaje kada jedan od supružnika umre, prestane se brinuti za svoje dijete iz nekih razloga ili ukoliko dođe do razvoda između supružnika. Sama suradnja i partnerstvo malo je drugačija između odgojitelja i samohranih roditelja prvenstveno zbog djece, jer su oni najvažniji i treba se znati nositi sa situacijom vezanom za samohrane roditelje kako dijete ne bi osjetilo da se nešto loše oko njega događa. Djetetu treba vremena, odgojitelju prakse i znanja, a roditelju čvrstoće i sigurnosti kako bi prebrodili svi zajedno te teže trenutke koje zadese roditelje. Nažalost, to se događa sve češće, istraživanja pokazuju da su samohrani roditelji često pod stresom, bore se s depresijom, iscrpljeni su, pod velikim pritiskom, a i javlja se i usamljenost. To je veliki problem, jer se lako to prebaci na dijete. Dijete osjeća strah, nesigurnost svojeg roditelja i zato treba znati kako to prebroditi. U radu se opisuje i na koji način dijete to proživljava, kako postupiti s djetetom u takvoj situaciji, a kako i sa samim roditeljem. Djeca kao i roditelji prolaze kroz razne krize te tada su odgojitelji osobe od povjerenja i sigurnosti koji moraju na neki način olakšati prvenstveno djetetu, a i samom roditelju. Less
Abstract (english) The topic of the final paper is "Cooperation of single parents and educators". From ancient times the father, mother and children were considered to be the ideal family. The father is the one who supports the family financially, the mother takes care exclusively of the household and the upbringing of the children, but that has started to change over time. The family is the primary community of society, but as society develops this type of family is slowly changing. Today there are different
... More "types" of families, there is still a family of father, mother and child / children, but also extended, then extramarital communities, two-generation families, same- sex communities and single-parent families or single parents. This paper describes who single parents really are, their difficulties, their lives, children of single parents and the cooperation with kindergartens and educators. Many stereotypes are associated with single parents, but sometimes their biggest problem is not understanding the environment itself for their life situation. A single family arises when one of the spouses dies, stops caring for their child for some reason or if a divorce occurs between the spouses. The cooperation and partnership itself is a little different between educators and single parents primarily because of the children, because they are the most important and you need to know how to deal with the situation related to single parents so that the child does not feel that something bad is happening around him. The child needs time, the educator of practice and knowledge, and the parent the strength and security to get through all these difficult moments that befall the parents. Unfortunately, this is happening more and more often, research shows that single parents are often stressed, struggling with depression, exhausted, under a lot of pressure, and loneliness also occurs. This is a big problem because it is easily passed on to the child. The child feels fear, insecurity of his parent and therefore needs to know how to overcome it. The paper also describes how the child experiences it, how to treat the child in such a situation, and how to deal with the parent. Children as well as parents go through various crises and then educators are people of trust and security who must in some way make it easier primarily for the child and the parent himself. Less
samohrani roditelj
Keywords (english)
single parent
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:276493
Study programme Title: Undergraduate pre-school education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
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Created on 2022-02-16 08:30:00