Title Odgojno-obrazovna uloga školskih vrtova u razrednoj nastavi
Title (english) Educational Role of School Gardens in Primary School
Author Sara Kuhar
Mentor Irella Bogut (mentor)
Committee member Vesnica Mlinarević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Majdenić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irella Bogut (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2022-09-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
Abstract S obzirom na to da nije određena točna definicija školskog vrta, može se reći da je školski vrt dio školskog prostora kojem pripadaju svi vrtno tehnički elementi i sve biljne vrste u čijoj sadnji, obradi ili uređenju sudjeluju učenici sa svojim učiteljima i stručnim suradnicima škole. Cilj ovog istraživanja je istražiti odgojno-obrazovnu ulogu školskih vrtova u razrednoj nastavi kvalitativnim metodama istraživanja. U istraživanju korištene su metoda intervjua, analiza dokumentacije,
... More prikupljanje fotografija i izrada plana školskog vrta. Istraživanjem povijesnog i suvremenog pregleda školskih vrtova, istraživanjem raznolikosti školskih vrtova Osječko-baranjske županije, intervjuiranjem Marije Fuderer, voditeljice rasadnika ukrasnog bilja Fuderer u Valpovu, o prikladnim biljnim vrstama za sadnju u školskom vrtu, prikazom projekta „Najljepši školski vrtovi u Republici Hrvatskoj“ kao izvorom motivacije učitelja i učenika te osmišljavanjem i izradom plana dvaju školskih vrtova, otkriveno je da održavanje školskog vrta može poboljšati ekološku svijest učenika razredne nastave, da školski vrtovi imaju izuzetno važnu ulogu u smislu stjecanja znanja o biljnom svijetu, radovima u vrtu i zaštiti prirode. Učenici sudjelovanjem u radu školskih vrtova imaju mogućnost promatranja, stjecanja znanja o biljnim vrstama na živom primjeru biljaka, u školskom vrtu mogu izvoditi praktične radove, stjecati radnu naviku, družiti se i igrati s drugim učenicima, razvijati ljubav prema prirodi te učiti o važnosti ekološkog uzgoja voća i povrća. Odgojno-obrazovni sadržaji školskog vrta razvijaju kod učenika sposobnost kritičkog promatranja, razumijevanja ovisnosti prirode i ljudi, razvijaju odgovornost, disciplinu i timski rad. Organizacija vrta ima doista iznimnu važnost za odgoj i obrazovanje učenika, no u ostvarivanju svih blagodati rada u školskom vrtu potreban je hrabar, entuzijastičan i kreativan učitelj koji će te vrijednosti vođenja školskog vrta pružiti svojim učenicima, a te su vrijednosti u današnjem svijetu ekološki neprihvatljivog uzgoja i prevlasti moderne tehnologije prijeko potrebne. Less
Abstract (english) Since the exact definition of the school garden has not been determined, it can be said that a school garden is a part of the school space to which all garden technical elements and all plant species are a part of, where students, with their teachers, participate in the planting, processing or arrangement of given plants. The purpose of this research is to investigate the educational role of school gardens in classroom teaching by qualitative research methods. Methods used in this
... More research were interview methods, analysis of documentation, collection of photographs and development of a school garden plan. By researching the historical and contemporary overview of school gardens and the diversity of school gardens in Osijek-Baranja County, by interviewing Marija Fuderer, head of the Fuderer ornamental plant nursery in Valpovo, about suitable plant species to plant in the school garden, by presenting the project "The most beautiful school gardens in Croatia" as the source of motivation of teachers and students and by designing two school gardens, it was revealed that the maintenance of the school garden can improve the environmental awareness of students, that school gardens play an extremely important role in terms of acquiring knowledge about flora, gardening and nature protection. By participating in the work of school gardens, students have the opportunity to observe and gain knowledge about plant species on a living example; in the school garden they can perform practical work, acquire work habits, socialize and play with other students, develop love for nature and learn about the importance of organic farming of fruits and vegetables. The educational contents of the school garden help students to develop the ability to critically observe, understand the dependence of nature and people, develop responsibility, discipline and teamwork. The organization of the garden is indeed extremely important for the upbringing and education of students, but in realization of the benefits of working in the school garden, you need a brave, enthusiastic and creative teacher who will provide these values of school garden management to his students and these values are indispensable in today's world of environmentally unacceptable breeding and the dominance of modern technology. Less
izvor motivacije
plan školskog vrta
prikladne biljne vrste
raznolikost školskih vrtova
školski vrt
Keywords (english)
source of motivation
school garden plan
suitable plant species
diversity of school gardens
school garden
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:782505
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-10-26 12:23:51