Title Tema lovstvo u radu s djecom mlađe školske dobi
Author Dejana Cvitan
Mentor Irella Bogut (mentor)
Mentor Željko Popović (sumentor)
Committee member Irella Bogut (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Majdenić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Smajić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Abstract Lovstvo je gospodarska djelatnost, a glavne zadaće lovstva su uzgoj i zaštita divljači, a zatim lov i korištenje dijelova divljači. Lovstvo se prvi put javlja u vrijeme ledenog doba, kada je čovjek lovio zbog nestašice hrane te se koristio krznom kako bi se zagrijao. Iako lov danas više nije neophodno sredstvo preživljavanja, ono je i dalje potrebno kako bi se zaštitila divljač i spriječila njezina prevelika namnoženost. Lovstvo je etički opravdano, ako služi kao djelatnost kontroliranja
... More životinjski populacija, čuvanja prirodnih i kulturnih dobara te zaštite od bolesti i šteta. Krivolov je kažnjivo djelo koje predstavlja krađu državne imovine, a čini velike štete u lovištu. Istraživanje o stavovima i znanjima djece mlađe školske dobi o lovstvu provedeno je 29. svibnja 2017. u Osnovnoj školi Kneževi Vinogradi u Kneževim Vinogradima. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od dvadeset i pet učenika, odnosno šesnaest učenika u prvom razredu i devet učenika u četvrtom razredu, a kao istraživački instrument korišten je upitnik. Rezultati navedenog istraživanja pokazuju da djeca mlađe školske dobi znaju što je lov, opisuju lovca na temelju njegovih odjevnih predmeta i oružja. Djeca mlađe školske dobi upoznata su s nekim aktivnostima lovaca, te najčešće navode da su aktivnosti lovaca lov i hranjenje životinja koje žive u šumi. Učenici ne navode da se lovci bave uzgojem divljači, što je ujedno i najvažnija zadaća lovstva. 28% ispitanika lovce smatra lošima, jer oni love i ubijaju nevine životinje. 4% ispitanika smatra da su lovci i dobri i loši, a 68% ispitanika smatra da su lovci dobri, jer hrane životinje zimi. Iako veliki broj ispitanika lovce smatra dobrima, oni i dalje nisu u potpunosti upoznati s aktivnostima lovaca. Djeca mlađe školske dobi dobro poznaju životinje koje žive u šumi, odnosno rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da samo dva učenika prvog razreda navela manje od pet životinja koje žive u šumi. Prilikom analiziranja udžbenika iz Prirode i društva, zaključila sam da je lovstvo u udžbenicima zanemareno, odnosno ne spominje se ni u nastavnim temama u kojima bi se trebalo spomenuti. Iako u Nastavnom planu i programu tema Lovstvo ne postoji, ona bi se trebala uvesti, kako bi se učenici mlađe školske dobi upoznali s lovstvom kao gospodarskom djelatnošću, kako bi razumjeli osnovne zadaće lovstva te kako bi shvatili da lovci love i odstreljuju radi kontroliranja broja divljači i zaštite prirodnih i kulturnih dobara. Prilikom pripremanja za sat s nastavnom temom Lovstvo u obzir valja uzeti dob učenika, ali i njihova znanja i stavove o lovcima koji su prikupljeni istraživanjem provedenim u Osnovnoj školi Kneževi Vinogradi. Uvođenjem i provođenjem nastavne teme Lovstvo u školama, pomoglo bi se djeci mlađe školske dobi da afirmiraju pozitivne stavove prema lovstvu i lovcima. Less
Abstract (english) Hunting is an economic activity, which main tasks are breeding and protection of game, and then hunting and usage of game parts. Hunting first time occurred during ice age, when human had to hunt due to food shortages and he used fur to keep himself warm. Even though hunting is no longer a necessary means of survival, it is still necessary to protect the game and prevent its excessive complexity. Hunting is ethically justified, when it serves as an activity of controlling animal
... More population, preserving natural and cultural goods and protecting of illness and harm. Poaching is a criminal offense that constitutes theft of state property, and it does great damage to the hunting ground. The research about the attitudes and knowledge of younger school-age children of hunting was conducted on May 29, 2017 in Osnovna škola Kneževi Vinogradi, in Kneževi Vinogradi. The survey was conducted on a sample of twenty-five students, i.e. sixteen in the first grade and nine in the fourth grade, and questionnaire was used as a research instrument. The results of this research indicate that younger school-age children know what hunting is, they can describe hunter based on his garment and weapons. Younger school-age children are familiar with some hunters’ activities, and most often mention hunting activities are hunt and animal feeding in the woods. The students do not state that hunters are engaged in game breeding, which is also the most important task of hunting. 28% of the examinees consider hunters as bad persons, because they hunt and kill innocent animals. 4% of respondents believe that hunters are good and bad, and 68% of the respondents think that hunters are good because they feed animals in the woods during winter. Although, a large number of respondents considers hunters as good people, they are not still fully acquainted with the activities of hunters. Younger school-age children know well animals that live in the woods, and the results of the research show that only two first-grade pupils named less than five animals that live in the woods. While analysing textbooks from Science, I concluded that hunting is neglected, and not even mentioned in the teaching topics, in which it should be mentioned. Although Hunting does not exist as a topic in Nastavni plan i program, it should be introduced in order to teach younger school-age children about hunting as economic activity, to help children understand the basic tasks of hunting and to understand that hunters hunt game in order to control the number of game and to protect natural and cultural goods. When preparing for a lesson with Hunting as a main topic, it is important think of the age of the students as well as their knowledge and attitudes towards hunter, that were collected by the research conducted in Osnovna škola Kneževi Vinogradi. Introductions and implementation of Hunting as a teaching topic in school, would help younger school-age children to affirm positive attitudes towards hunting and hunters. Less
djeca mlađe školske dobi
Keywords (english)
younger school-age children
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:036659
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-09-22 09:11:19