Abstract | Prijašnja istraživanja pokazala su poteškoće u socio-emocionalnoj prilagodbi djece s ADHD-om, što se očituje u nedostatku empatije, poteškoćama u samoregulaciji i samovrednovanju, anksioznosti te opozicijskim i agresivnim ponašanjem. Kako bi se saznalo više o ovoj problematici provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem provjere postojanja povezanosti simptoma deficita pažnje/hiperaktivnog poremećaja sa socio-emocionalnom prilagodbom. Socijalna prilagodba mjerena je varijablama: broj prijatelja, osjećaj prihvaćenosti od strane vršnjaka i socijalna samoefikasnost, a varijable emocionalne prilagodbe su: emocionalna empatija, emocionalna kompetentnost te emocionalna samoefikasnost. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 501 učenik četvrtih (20,8 %), šestih (36,9 %) i osmih (42,3 %) razreda. Uzorak se sastojao od 50,7 % dječaka i 49,3 % djevojčica u rasponu dobi od 10 do 16 godina, s prosječnom dobi M=12,72 godina (sd=1,62). Učenici su tijekom jednog školskog sata ispunili Upitnik emocionalne kompetentnosti (UEK-45; Takšić, 2002), Skalu emocionalne empatije (E-upitnik; Raboteg-Šarić, 2002), Skalu hiperaktivnosti-impulzivnosti-nepažnje (HIP; Vulić-Prtorić, 2006) te Upitnik samoefikasnosti za djecu (SEQ-C; Vulić-Prtorić i Sorić, 2006). Kako bi se utvrdio stupanj povezanosti osnovnih simptoma ADHD-a sa socijalnom i emocionalnom prilagodbom, izračunat je Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije. Nepažnja, kao simptom ADHD-a statistički je značajno, iako prilično slabo, negativno povezana s osjećajem prihvaćenosti od strane vršnjaka i socijalnom samoefikasnošću; porastom nepažnje smanjuje se socijalna samoefikasnost i osjećaj prihvaćenosti od strane vršnjaka. Nepažnja je i u negativnoj korelaciji sa svim dimenzijama emocionalne prilagodbe; empatijom, emocionalnom kompetentnošću i emocionalnom samoefikasnošću. Iako slabe, dobivene su i statistički značajne negativne povezanosti ostalih simptoma ADHD-a s dimenzijama emocionalne prilagodbe. Porastom hiperaktivnosti smanjuju se empatija i emocionalna samoefikasnost, a s empatijom i emocionalnom samoefikasnosti negativno je povezan i treći simptom ADHD-a, odnosno impulzivnost. |
Abstract (english) | Previous researches have shown the difficulties associated with the socio-emotional adjustment of children with ADHD, which include lack of empathy, difficulties in self-regulation and self-evaluation, anxiety, as well as oppositional and aggressive behavior. In order to find out more about this issue, a research has been conducted with the aim of checking whether there is a connection between the attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the socio-emotional adjustment. The social adjustment was measured with the means of the following variables: number of friends, feeling of peer acceptance, and social self-efficacy. On the other hand, the variables of emotional adjustment used were: emotional empathy, emotional competence, and emotional self-efficacy. The research is based on 501 student of the fourth (20.8%), sixth (36.9%) and eight (42.3%) grades. The sample consists of 50.7% of boys and 49.3% of girls, aging 10-16, the average age being M=12.72 (sd=1.62). The students have taken a school hour to fill in the Emotional Competence Questionnaire (UEK-45; Takšić, 2002), the Emotional Empathy Scale (E-upitnik; Raboteg-Šarić, 2002), the Hyperactivity-Impulsivity-Attention Scale (HIP; Vulić-Prtorić, 2006) and Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C; Vulić-Prtorić and Sorić, 2006). In order to determine the connection level between the basic ADHD symptoms with the social and emotional adjustment, the Pearson correlation coefficient has been calculated. Inattention, regarded as an ADHD symptom, is statistically significantly, even though relatively loosely, negatively connected with the peer acceptance feeling and social self-efficacy, i.e. the social self-efficacy and peer acceptance feeling decline as the inattention level grows. There is also a negative correlation between inattention and all the dimensions of emotional adjustment, or, in other words, empathy, emotional competence, and emotional self-efficacy. Despite being weak, negative connections of other ADHD symptoms with dimensions of emotional adjustment are statistically significant. As hyperactivity level grows, empathy and emotional self-efficacy decline. Furthermore, the third ADHD symptom, i.e. impulsivity, is also negatively connected with the abovementioned dimensions of emotional adjustment. |