Title Strahovi kod djece
Title (english) Children`s fears
Author Daniela Šapina
Mentor Lara Cakić (mentor)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Strah je jedna od četiri primarne emocije. Predstavlja urođeni obrambeni mehanizam kojim se osoba štiti od različitih potencijalnih opasnosti, a izražava se na fizičkoj, kognitivnoj i bihevioralnoj razini. Na fizičkoj se razini manifestira bržim otkucajima srca, crvenilom, pojačanim disanjem i znojenjem, napetošću mišića i sl. Na kognitivnoj se razini može manifestirati u obliku zaboravljivosti, problema s koncentracijom, negativnih misli, samokritičnosti itd. Na bihevioralnoj razini
... More manifestira se kao plakanje i vrištanje, drhtanje zubi i usana, mucanje, sisanje palca i sl. Strah se javlja tijekom druge polovine prve godine, a prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima mlađa djeca i djevojčice doživljavaju veći broj strahova od starije djece i dječaka. Kod djece redovito nailazimo na razvojne strahove koji su normalna pojava za određenu dob. Oni se javljaju, mijenjaju i spontano nestaju kada dijete preraste određenu razvojnu fazu. Uz svaku razvojnu fazu vezani su specifični strahovi koji imaju određenu funkciju za tu dob. U djece se može javiti strah od nepoznatih osoba, od odvajanja, mraka i imaginarnih bića, ozljeda, katastrofa, neuspjeha, neprihvaćanja i podsmjehivanja itd. Iako razvojni strahovi uglavnom prolaze sami od sebe, te su sastavni dio razvoja svakog djeteta, oni mogu postati intenzivni i dugotrajni tako da ometaju djetetovo svakodnevno funkcioniranje. Tada je za njihovo uklanjanje potrebna stručna pomoć. Strahovi kod djece mogu biti i rezultat kriznih situacija, kao što su bolest i hospitalizacija djeteta, bolest članova obitelji, rastava roditelja, smrt članova obitelji, nasilje u obitelji te zlostavljanje u obitelji. Traumatizirana djeca općenito pokazuju izraženije strahove i napetost, a često je potrebna i pomoć stručnjaka. Less
Abstract (english) Fear is one of the four primary emotions. It represents an inborn defence mechanism as a kind of protection from different potential dangers, and it manifests on a physical, cognitive and behavioural level. Physically it shows through faster heart beat, redness, heavier breathing, sweating, muscle tension, etc. On a cognitive level it can manifestin form of forgetfulness, concentration difficulty, negative thoughts, self-consciousness, etc. In terms of behaviour it becomes apparent
... More through crying and screaming, teeth chattering and lip twitching, stuttering, thumb sucking, etc. Fear occurs in the second half of the child’s first year, and according to available research, younger children and girls experience a bigger number of fears than older children and boys. We can commonly see developmental fears in children, what is a normal occurrence at a certain age. They occur, change and spontaneously disappear when a child outgrows a certain developmental phase. During every developmental phase there are specific fears that have a certain function for that age. Children can be afraid of unknown people, separation, darkness and imaginary creatures, injuries, catastrophes, failure, lack of acceptance, ridicule, etc. Although developmental fears usually pass by themselves, and are an integral part to a child’s development, they can become intense and lasting so that they interfere with the child’s everyday life. In those cases expert help is needed. Fears in children can be a result of crisis situations, such as illness or hospitalisation of the child, illness of family members, divorce of the parents, death of family members, violence in the family and abuse in the family. Traumatised children generally suffer from more visible fears and tension and often expert help is necessary. Less
djeca predškolske dobi
razvojni strahovi
krizna situacija
Keywords (english)
preschool children
developmental fears
crisis situation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:001349
Study programme Title: Undergraduate pre-school education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-09-20 12:10:26