Abstract | Anksioznost je kompleksan i neugodan osjećaj tjeskobe i bojazni koji je, poput straha, redovito praćen aktiviranjem autonomnog živčanog sustava te se anksioznost percipira kao difuzna reakcija na nespecifične podražaje (Mikas, Pavlović i Rizvan, 2015). Depresija je vodeći uzrok invaliditeta u svijetu te se može dijagnosticirati već u predškolskoj dobi. Sve je više podataka koji potvrđuju depresiju u dobi od 3 do 6 godina, a najčešći su simptomi odsustvo radosti te promjene u apetitu, aktivnostima i snu (Krygsman i Vaillancourt, 2019). Privatni govor djeteta služi kao vodič kroz misaone procese i postupke. Često se koristi prilikom rješavanja težeg zadatka i može poslužiti kao odraz emocionalnog stanja djeteta (Funderburk i sur., 2010). U ovome istraživanju ispitivala se povezanost između procjena majki i odgojiteljica o anksioznosti i depresivnosti djeteta te povezanost privatnog govora i simptoma anksioznosti i depresivnosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 39-ero predškolske djece koja su individualno izvodila zadatak te njihove majke i odgojiteljice koje su ispunile skalu anksioznosti i depresivnosti. Privatni govor djeteta bilježio je ispitivač tijekom analize videozapisa djeteta. Rezultati nisu pokazali povezanost između procjena majki i odgojiteljica o anksioznosti, ali je dobivena povezanost između verbalnih i neverbalnih reakcija djeteta. Također, pronađene su povezanosti između dobi djeteta i procjene odgojiteljica o anksioznosti i depresivnosti te dobi i vrsta verbalnih i neverbalnih reakcija djeteta. |
Abstract (english) | Anxiety is a very complex and unpleasant feeling of apprehension and misgiving which, just like fear, is often accompanied by activation of autonomic nervous system, and is perceived as diffuse reaction to nonspecific stimuli (Mikas, Pavlović and Rizvan, 2015). Depression is a leading cause of disability in world and can be diagnosed even in preschool age. More and more data substantiate depression at the age of three to six years, and the most common symptoms are the absence of joy and changes in appetite, activities and sleep disorder (Krygsman and Vaillancourt, 2019). Child’s private speech serves as a guide through thought process and actions. It is often used during challenging task solving and can act as a reflection of child’s emotional state (Funderburk et al., 2010). In this research, what has been brought into question is the relationship between the assessments of anxiety and depression made by mothers and by educators, and the relationship between private speech and the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Thirty nine preschool children, all performing the task individually, and their mothers and educators, filling out the anxiety and depression scale form, participated in the research. Child’s private speech was documented by the examiner during the analysis of the video of that child. The result showed no relationship between the assessments of anxiety made by mothers and by educators, but the connection was composed between verbal and non verbal reaction of a child. Furthermore, there have been connections found between the age of a child and the assessment of anxiety and depression by educators, and between the age and type of verbal and non verbal reactions of a child. |