Sažetak | Osnovni cilj rada je prikaz povijesnog razvoja ranog odgoja i obrazovanja, te prikaz puta razvijanja do odgojno-obrazovne institucije kakva je danas. Razdoblje 19. i 20. stoljeća je najplodonosnije razdoblje pedagogije odgoja i obrazovanja, a tako i razvoja ustanova ranog odgoja i obrazovanja. U 19.stoljeću djelovali su mnogi utjecajni pedagozi, a među njima Friedrich Frobel koji je prvi razradio teoriju institucijskog predškolskog odgoja i programa rada s djecom. On je osnovao prvi dječji vrtić pod nazivom „Kindergarten“.U dvadesetom stoljeću javljaju se nove i djelotvornije ideje u odgoju i obrazovanju. Pojavljuju se sustavi kao što su Montessori i Waldorf. U Hrvatskoj pretečom jaslica smatra se zagrebački biskup Juraj Haulik koji je 1855. godine otvorio prvo pjestovalište u Zagrebu. Njihova prvobitna namjena bila je skrb, njega i zaštita djece od siromaštva. Zbrinjavali su djecu do treće godine života. Razvoj jaslica obilježen je trima razdobljima: „medicinsko“ doba, „poučavateljsko“ doba i suvremeno doba dječjih jaslica. U „medicinskom“ razdoblju jaslice su bile socijalne i zdravstvene ustanove koje su pružale smještaj djece mlađoj od tri godine. Glavna zadaća bila im je briga, njega i zaštita djece. U ovom razdoblju donosi se tri značajna dokumenta koja unapređuju život, odgoj i obrazovanje djece u ustanovama ranog odgoja i obrazovanja, a to su: „Zakon o društvenoj brizi o djeci predškolskog uzrasta“, „Programske osnove za njegu i odgoj djece u dječjim jaslicama“ i „Zakon o odgoju i osnovnom obrazovanju“. „Poučavateljsko“ doba započinje integriranjem dječjih jaslica s dječjim vrtićem. Iako je ovo razdoblje bilo pedagoški naprednije od prošloga, nije došlo do značajnih promjena u prostorijama ustanova za rani odgoj i obrazovanje. Značajan trenutak ovog razdoblja bio je donošenje programskog dokumenta pod nazivom Osnove programa rada s djecom predškolske dobi. Suvremeno razdoblje donosi pozitivan iskorak u razumijevanju i zadovoljavanju dječjih individualnih i razvojnih potreba. Na dijete se počinje obraćati više pažnje, gleda ga se kao cjelovito, aktivno i individualno biće. Na regulaciju djelatnosti dječjih jaslica utječu različiti dokumenti normativne i programske razine. Danas nama najznačajniji dokument je Nacionalni kurikulum za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje koji sadržava ključne vrijednosti odgoja i obrazovanja djece u dječjem vrtiću. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main goal of the paper is the presentation of the historical development of early education and the development path to the educational institution as it is today. The period of the 19th and 20th centuries is the most fruitful period of pedagogy of upbringing and education, as well as the development of early childhood education institutions. Many influential pedagogues were active in the 19th century, among them Friedrich Frobel, who was the first to develop the theory of institutional preschool education and programs for working with children. He founded the first kindergarten called "Kindergarten". In the twentieth century, new and more effective ideas in education appeared. Systems such as Montessori and Waldorf are emerging. In Croatia, the forerunner of the nativity scene is the Zagreb bishop Juraj Haulik, who opened the first nativity scene in Zagreb in 1855. Their original purpose was care, care, and protection of children from poverty. They cared for children up to the age of three. The development of nurseries is characterized by three periods: the "medical" age, the "teaching" age, and the modern age of children's nurseries. In the "medical" period, crèches were social and health institutions that provided accommodation for children under the age of three. Their main task was the care, care, and protection of children. In this period, three important documents were adopted that improve the life, upbringing, and education of children in early childhood education institutions, namely: "Act on Social Care of Preschool Children", "Program Basics for Care and Education of Children in Nursery Schools". and the "Law on Education and Basic Education". The "teaching" era begins with the integration of nursery schools and kindergartens. Although this period was pedagogically more advanced than the previous one, there were no significant changes in the premises of early education institutions. A significant moment of this period was the adoption of a program document called Basics of the program for working with preschool children. The modern period brings a positive step forward in understanding and meeting children's individual and developmental needs. More attention is being paid to the child, he is seen as a complete, active, and individual being. The regulation of nursery school activities is influenced by various normative and program-level documents. Today, the most important document for us is the National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Education, which contains the key values of the education of children in kindergarten. A significant moment of this period was the adoption of a program document called Basics of the program for working with preschool children. The modern period brings a positive step forward in understanding and meeting children's individual and developmental needs. More attention is being paid to the child, he is seen as a complete, active, and individual being. The regulation of nursery school activities is influenced by various normative and program-level documents. Today, the most important document for us is the National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Education, which contains the key values of the education of children in kindergarten. A significant moment of this period was the adoption of a program document called Basics of the program for working with preschool children. The modern period brings a positive step forward in understanding and meeting children's individual and developmental needs. More attention is being paid to the child, he is seen as a complete, active, and individual being. The regulation of nursery school activities is influenced by various normative and program-level documents. Today, the most important document for us is the National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Education, which contains the key values of the education of children in kindergarten. he is seen as a complete, active, and individual being. The regulation of nursery school activities is influenced by various normative and program-level documents. Today, the most important document for us is the National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Education, which contains the key values of the education of children in kindergarten. he is seen as a complete, active, and individual being. The regulation of nursery school activities is influenced by various normative and program-level documents. Today, the most important document for us is the National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Education, which contains the key values of the education of children in kindergarten. |