Sažetak | Zarazne bolesti predstavljaju izazov tijekom odrastanja djeteta. Najčešće se pojavljuju u institucijama kao što su dječji vrtići. Ondje djeca svakodnevno provode vrijeme u skupinama u kojima ima više djece čime se povećava mogućnost širenja patogenih mikroorganizama, uzročnika zaraznih bolesti. Zarazne bolesti šire se kontaktom, vodom, zrakom, hranom, zemljom, člankonošcima i posteljicom. Pojava simptoma kod zaraznih bolesti karakterizira opće stanje djeteta, a najčešći simptom koji se pojavljuje je temperatura. Cijepljenje, opće-higijenske mjere, zdravstveni odgoj te povoljne socioekonomske prilike, karakteriziraju mjere primarne prevencije koje su najvažniji čimbenik u samom sprječavanju širenja bolesti. Kod djece mlađe dobi važno je stvoriti navike održavanja higijene, čestog pranja ruku, pravilnog kihanja te kašljanja i slično. Poticanjem djece pravilnim higijenskim navikama promiče se njihov pozitivan stav o održavanju zdravlja što je bitno osvijestiti već u ranoj dobi. Liječenje bolesti nije isto kod svih infekcija, neke virusne bolesti liječe se prema simptomima te je dovoljna kućna njega osim ako nema dodatnih komplikacija, dok se većina bakterijskih bolesti liječi antibioticima. Djeca najviše boluju od zaraznih bolesti respiratornog sustava, to su najčešće gripa (influenca) i angina, kao najteži oblik respiratornih bolesti javlja se pneumonija, a upala srednjeg uha najčešća je kod dojenčadi i mlađe djece. Bakterije su najčešći uzročnici zaraznih bolesti probavnog sustava, a najčešće su rotavirusna infekcija, salmoneloze te enterobioza poznatija kao infekcija crijevnom glistom. Osipne zarazne bolesti karakteristične su po pojavljivanju osipa po tijelu, u njih se ubrajaju ospice, rubeola, vodene kozice, šarlah, bolest šake, stopala i usta te egzantema subitum koja se naziva i trodnevnom vrućicom. Sve navedene zarazne bolesti česte su kod djece mlađe dobi, a bitno ih je razlikovati kako bi se poduzele pravilne preventivne mjere. U samoj konačnici, pravilna prevencija zaraznih bolesti ključna je za očuvanje zdravlja djece predškolske dobi koje treba biti prioritet svih članova zajednice. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Infectious diseases pose a challenge during a child's growth. They most commonly emerge in institutions such as daycare centers, where children spend their time in groups, increasing the potential for the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, the agents of infectious diseases. Infectious diseases spread through contact, water, air, food, soil, vectors, and the placenta. The appearance of symptoms in infectious diseases characterizes the child's general condition, with the most frequent symptom being fever. Vaccination, general hygiene measures, health education, and favorable socio-economic conditions characterize primary prevention measures, which are crucial factors in preventing the spread of diseases. In younger children, it's important to instill habits of hygiene maintenance, frequent handwashing, proper sneezing and coughing etiquette, and the like. By encouraging children to adopt proper hygiene habits, their positive attitude towards health maintenance is promoted, an awareness that should be nurtured from an early age. Treatment for diseases varies across infections; some viral diseases are treated according to symptoms and can be managed through home care, unless complications arise. In contrast, most bacterial diseases are treated with antibiotics. Children are most susceptible to infectious diseases of the respiratory system. The most common are influenza and tonsillitis, with pneumonia being the most severe form of respiratory illness. Ear infections are most prevalent in infants and young children. Bacteria are the most frequent causative agents of gastrointestinal infections, with notable instances being rotavirus infection, salmonellosis, and enterobiasis, also known as pinworm infection. Rash-associated infectious diseases are characterized by skin eruptions. Among them are measles, rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and roseola, also known as sixth disease. All the mentioned infectious diseases are common among young children, and it is crucial to differentiate them to undertake appropriate preventive measures. In conclusion, proper prevention of infectious diseases is key to safeguarding the health of preschool children and should be a priority for the entire community. |