Sažetak | Cilj ovog završnog rada je afirmirati odgojno-obrazovno djelovanje Družbe Kćeri Milosrđa te vrijednosti i kompetencije odgojitelja koje je definirala Marija Petković, osnivačica reda. Marija Petković je rođena Blaćanka koja uz pomoć tadašnjeg dubrovačkog biskupa osniva Družbu Kćeri Milosrđa, a sam cilj osnivanja je briga o siromašnima i nevoljnima. Marija zbog samog početka u kojem su sestre skrbile za više od 300 djece uz razne prošnje i pomoći pape Pija XI. u iznosu od 15.000 dinara odlučuje se na dogradnju sirotišta u Blatu. Mnoge djevojke upravo potaknute tim događajem se odlučuju priključiti njenom radu s djecom što je Mariji Petković omogućilo preuzimanje velikog broja dječjih domova. Marija potaknuta tim otvara prvu preteču vrtića u Subotici tzv. 'Kolekvu'. Marija je tijekom cijelog svog života promišljala o odgoju djece i to je zapisivala u svoj vlastiti dnevnik. Analizom tih zapisa formirala su se načela odgoja Družbe, odgojni ciljevi i zadaci, metode odgojnog postupka, sadržaji odgoja, ali i ono najvažnije to jest profil odgojiteljica koje trebaju raditi s djecom. Na temelju svega navedenog formira se srž odgojnog djelovanja Družbe koja se primjenjuje u svim vrtićima koji nose njeno ime. U Republici Hrvatskoj Dječji vrtić Marija Petković nalazi se sa sjedištem u Zagrebu i obuhvaća 5 podružnica: Čakovec, Blato, Split, Pula i Osijek. Osim na području Hrvatske djeluju još i u Italiji, Paragvaju, Peruu, Čileu, Argentini, Bosni i Hercegovini, Srbiji, Rumunjskoj, Njemačkoj, Kongu i Kanadi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This final paper aims to assert the educational and pedagogical activities of the Society of Daughters of Mercy and the values and competencies of educators defined by Marija Petković, the order’s founder. Marija Petković, born in Blato, with the help of the then bishop of Dubrovnik, founded the Society of Daughters of Mercy, and the goal of the establishment was to care for the poor and the afflicted. In the very beginning, when the nuns cared for more than 300 children with various supplications and financial help from Pope Pius XI (15,000 dinars), Marija decided to upgrade the orphanage in Blato. Many of the girls, prompted by this event, decided to join her work with children, which enabled the Blessed to take over a large number of children’s homes. Encouraged by this, Marija opened the first precursor of the kindergarten in Subotica, the so-called ‘Kolevka’. Throughout her life, Marija pondered the education of children and wrote about it in her diary. The analysis of these records formed the principles of education in the Society, educational goals and tasks, methods of educational procedure, contents of education, and most importantly, the profile of educators to work with children. Based on all of the above, the essence of the educational activity of the Society was formed, which is now applied in all kindergartens bearing its name. In the Republic of Croatia, kindergarten Marija Petković is based in Zagreb, and there are 5 subsidiaries: Čakovec, Blato, Split, Pula and Osijek. Apart from Croatia, they also operate in Italy, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Germany, Congo and Canada. |