Sažetak | Diplomski rad izrađen je na Odsjeku za prirodne znanosti iz predmeta Prirodoslovlje 2 pod vodstvom mentorice dr. sc. Irelle Bogut, izvanredne profesorice i sumentora mr. sc. Željka Popovića, profesora visoke škole. Zoonoze su sve bolesti ili infekcije koje su prirodno prenosive sa životinja na ljude. Često uzrokuju masovno narušavanje zdravlja ljudi i životinja u obliku epidemija i epizootija. Ovim bolestima izloženo je cijelo stanovništvo, posebice pojedine skupine ljude su profesionalno izložene bolesnim životinjama, primjerice veterinari, uzgajatelji stoke, lovočuvari, ali i u onih ljudi koji su u dodiru s proizvodima životinjskog porijekla, primjerice mesari i mljekari. Poznato je više od 200 zaraznih bolesti životinja i za sada je utvrđeno da više od njih 100 može prijeći na čovjeka. Izvori zaraza zoonoza različite su divlje i domaće životinje, uključujući i kućne ljubimce. Neke od zoonoza u Republici Hrvatskoj su salmoneloze, Q-vrućica, bjesnoća, Lajmska borelioza, tuberkuloza, ptičja gripa i druge. Kao i sve zarazne bolesti, pa tako i opasnosti od oboljenja zoonozama najveća opasnost prijeti bebama, djeci, trudnicama, starijim osobama i onima oslabljenog imunološkog sustava. Djeca su poprilično privržena svojim kućnim ljubimcima, često se igraju s njima, borave u istom prostoru, imaju mnogo izravnih kontakata, a s druge strane, zaboravljaju redovito prati ruke, često dodiruju njima lice ali i usta, čime se opasnost od oboljenja zoonozama znatno povećava. To potvrđuje i provedeno istraživanje. Od 207 ispitanika koje su činili učenici, roditelji i učitelji, gdje je 73% učenika izjavilo da ima kućne ljubimce, dokazano je da je higijena i briga o zdravlju kućnih ljubimaca vrlo oskudna. O redovitom pranju ruku nakon doticaja s kućnim ljubimcima 34 ispitanika je izjavilo da ruke ne pere redovito, što je oko 16%, a od njih je čak 10 izjavilo da nikada ne peru ruke, a čak 5 roditelja izjavilo je kako svoje kućne ljubimce nikada ne vode veterinaru. Učenici mlađe školske dobi imaju doticaja ne samo sa kućnim ljubimcima i domaćim životinjama već i s nekim od divljih životinja, što čini izvor zaraznih bolesti poprilično velikim, te su stoga djeca u velikoj opasnosti od oboljenja zoonozama. Unatoč tome što od 8 ispitanih učiteljica nijedna od njih nije imala slučaj učenika oboljelog od zoonoza, istraživanje je pokazalo da je znanje učenika, roditelja i učitelja o ovim bolestima vrlo slabo, stoga predlažem uvođenje teme zoonoza kao jedu od redovitih tema u nastavi Prirode i društva ili Sata razrednika, kako bi se od najranije dobi učenike upoznalo s ovim bolestima i opasnostima od njih te ih uputilo na oblike prevencije i zaštite. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This graduate thesis was done at the Department of Natural Sciences, in the subject of Natural Sciences 2 under guidance of mentor Irella Bogut, Associate Professor, PhD and co-mentor Željko Popović, College Professor, M. Sc. Zoonoses are all diseases or infections that are naturally transmitted from animals to humans. They often cause massive disturbance of human and animal health in the form of epidemics and epizootics diseases. The whole population is exposed to these diseases, especially a certain group of people who are professionally exposed to infected animals such as veterinarians, cattle breeders, gamblers, but also those people thatare in contact with animal products such as butchers and dairyman. There are more than 200 known infectious animal diseases and until now it has been established that more than 100 of them can be transmitted to humans. Sources of zoonoses are various wild and domestic animals, including pets.Some of the zoonoses present in the Republic of Croatia are salmonellosis, Q-fever, rabies, Lyme borreliosis, tuberculosis, bird flu and other. Just like any other contagious diseases, zoonoses present the greatest threats to babies, children, pregnant women, the elders and those with weakened immune system. Children are quite attached to their pets, they often play with them, stay in the same area, have many direct contacts, and on the other hand, they forget to regularly wash their hands, they often touch their face and mouth, causing the risk of zoonoses to grow considerably. This is confirmed by the research carried out. The study was conducted on a sample of 207 respondents including pupils, their parents and teachers. The results suggest that 73% of students have pets and that the hygiene and pet care are at very low level. When it comes to regular hand hygiene after the contact with pets, 34 respondents stated that they do not wash their hands regularly, which is about 16%, and 10 of them have stated that they never wash their hands and even 5 parents stated that their pets have never been taken to the vet. Not only that young school- aged children have contacts with pets and domestic animals but also with some wild animals, making a very large source of contagiuos diseases and therefore creating a great danger of zoonosis. Despite the fact that none of the eight teachers had any cases of pupils with zoonosis research has shown that the knowledge of the pupils, parents and teachers related to these diseases is very poor, so I suggest introducing zoonotic topics as one of the regular subjects in Science and Society classes or the Homeroom class in order to familiarize pupils with the danger of these diseases from the earliest age, and introduce them to different forms of prevention and protection. |