Sažetak | Završni rad napisan je pod vodstvom mentorice prof. dr. sc. Irelle Bogut i sumentora doc. dr. sc. Ivice Kelama iz kolegija Ekološki odgoj u dječjem vrtiću. U ovom završnom radu objasnila sam pojam „odgojno-obrazovne aktivnosti“, kao i način pripreme i provedbe istih. Isto tako osvrnula sam se i na odgojiteljevu ulogu tijekom kreiranja teme, svih aktivnosti vezanih uz temu, prikupljanje materijala, prilagođavanje odgojno-obrazovnih ekoloških aktivnosti djeci predškolske dobi, ali i na odgojiteljevu pomoć prilikom provedbe aktivnosti. Navela sam neke od ekoloških tema koje konkretno ukazuju na problematiku ovog završnog rada, odnosno ukazuju na razvijanje ekološke svijesti kod djece predškolske dobi. Teme moraju biti u skladu s uzrastom djece, s njihovim interesima, prostorom u kojem se provode, s materijalom kojim se raspolaže... Sve provedene ekološke aktivnosti moraju imati unaprijed određen cilj kojemu će se težiti kako bi djeca obogatila svoje unaprijed stečeno znanje, ali i stvorila nove zaključke. Dio završnog rada je i projekt pod nazivom „Eko-Eko“ kojemu je cilj pobuditi dječju svijest o potrebi za recikliranjem, održivim / racionalnim iskorištavanjem prirodnih resursa, čuvanju okoliša, boravku na svježem zraku, ali i buđenje kreativnosti i svijesti o prenamjeni predmeta u svrhu izrade novih. Kroz izradu ovoga rada zaključila sam kako je neophodno da djeca već u predškolskoj dobi budu uključena u ekološke aktivnosti i kako bi svaki odrastao čovjek trebao malom djetetu biti uzor prema kojem će učiti kako čuvati prirodu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The final paper has been made under the guidance of the mentor prof. dr. sc. Irella Bogut and the helping mentor doc. dr. sc. Ivica Kelam from the course Ecology education in the kindergarten. The concept of educational activities itself has been explained in this final paper as well as the methods of preparation and execution of the activities. The role of the educator during the creation of the topic, the activities connected with the topic, collecting the materials, the adjustment of the educational, ecological activities of the pre-school children has also been mentioned as well as his assistance during the execution of the activities. Some ecology topics, which particularly point out the issues of this final paper and show the development of environmental awareness of the pre-school children, have been stated. The topics have to be in accordance with the age of the children, their interests, the space, where they would be put into practice, the resources being at disposal... All the executed environmental activities need to have an in advance determined outcome, which we pursue, so that the children would enrich their previously acquired knowledge and would come to new conclusions, too. The project called ''Eco-Eco'' is also a part of this final paper. The aim of this project is to stimulate the child's awareness about the necessity of recycling, sustainable/rational use of natural resources, preserving the environment, spending time outside, but, simultaneously, the project is aiming at stimulating the creativity and the awareness of converting the use of the objects in order to make the new ones. Doing this final paper, I have come to a conclusion that it is inevitable for the pre-school children to be involved into the environmental activities, in order to make it possible for every grown-up to be a role model to a child how to preserve the nature. |