Sažetak | Vrijednosti su vjerovanja, načela i ideje o onome što je dobro. Družinec (2016) govori da za vrijednosti možemo reći da su polazišta, motivatori aktivnosti i usmjeravajuća načela u ponašanju pojedinca i formiranju sudova te poželjni ciljevi u životu. Primarne su vrijednosti vitalne vrijednosti, dok su na vrhu ekonomske, političke, društvene, estetske, spoznajno-teorijske, etičke i religijske vrijednosti. Kod svoje djece roditelji, osim što pokušavaju prenijeti svoje vrijednosti, također žele da posjeduju vrijednosti specifične za društvo u kojem se nalaze. Osobne vrijednosti roditelja i vrijednosti okoline nisu nužno identične, ali su usko vezane, s obzirom da će vrijednosti društva, ako se smatra članom društva, pojedinac prihvatiti kao svoje osobne. Iz navedenih istraživanja (Rohan i Zanna 1996; Headey, Muffels i Wagner 2014; Albert, Trommsdorff i Wisnubrata 2009; Reić Ercegovac i Koludrović 2012) možemo ustanoviti da postoji pozitivna povezanost među vrijednostima roditelja i djece. Za vrijeme grupa s velikim brojem djece i dok su primarne zadaće odgojno-obrazovnog procesa bile fizička sigurnost i poučavanje, odgojitelji su bili dominatni, određivali su pravila, nagrađivali, kažnjavali. Vrijednosti i kriteriji s vremenom se mijenjaju i pod utjecajem različitih globalnih činitelja, stoga se odgojitelja sve više usmjerava na spontanost i slobodu. Roditelji imaju različite stavove i ciljeve o načinu odgoja djece. Mnogim roditeljima odgoj znači ograničavanje djeteta, odnosno odlučivanje umjesto njega i njegovo usmjeravanje. Dominatno obilježje suvremenog odgoja (Milanović i suradnici 2014) trebalo bi biti usmjereno prema izgrađivanju slobodne, samostalne i stvaralački usmjerene mlade ličnosti. Stevanović (2000) smatra da je roditeljima glavni cilj kod djeteta razviti higijensko-zdravstvene, kulturne i radne navike. Svrha predškolske odgojno-obrazovne ustanove nije poučavanje djeteta, nego poticanje njegovog razvoja. Odgojitelju je u cilju od prvog susreta s djetetom nastojati graditi privrženost da bi dijete počelo razvijati povjerenje u nove osobe u svom životu. Najbolji pokazatelj uspješnosti roditeljstva (Maleš i Stričević 1991) upravo je djetetovo zadovoljstvo zajednički provedenim trenutcima. Jedan od najvažnijih aspekata učenja upravo je interakcija između roditelja i djeteta. Uspostavljeni odnos s roditeljima djeci je temelj za uspostavljanje odnosa s drugim osobama u budućnosti. Djeca će ostvariti bolji odnos s odgojiteljem koji im pruža toplinu, nježnost i brigu, nego s onim koji ih sputava u njihovom istraživanju. Ukoliko odgojitelj uoči čime je rezultirao njegov način rada s djecom, to može pozitivno utjecati i na njegov daljnji rad s njima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Virtues are defined as beliefs, principles and ideas about what is right. According to Družinec (2016), we can say that virtues are the starting points, the motivators of activities, the guiding principles in an individual’s behavior and their judgement forming, and the desirable goals in one’s life. Primary virtues are the vital ones, whereas the ones on top of the hierarchy are the economical, political, social, aesthetical, ethical, and religious virtues. Parents, while raising their children, tend to teach them about the virtues they themselves find desirable, as well as the ones specific to their environment. The parent’s virtues and those specific to their environment are not necessarily identical, however they are closely related, considering that one will accept the societal values as their own as they consider themselves part of the society. From the following research (Rohan i Zanna (1996), Headey, Muffels i Wagner (2014), Albert, Trommsdorff i Wisnubrata (2009), Reić Ercegovac i Koludrović (2012)), we can conclude that there is a positive correlation between the virtues of parents and their children. In the past, when the primary tasks of the educational process were physical safety and teaching, preschool teachers were considered a dominant figure – they made the rules, praised good behavior, and punished bad behavior. As the desired virtues gradually changed, the preferred traits for preschool teachers also changed; they were expected to be free and spontaneous. Of course, different people have different goals and ideas about raising their children. To most parents, upbringing means limiting their child, making decisions for them and guiding them through life. However, the defining trait of modern upbringing, according to Milanović and her colleagues (2014) should be raising a free, independent, and creative young individual. Stevanović (2000) suggests that parents’ primary goal is to develop hygienic, cultural, and work habits in their children. In contrast, the purpose of kindergarten or preschool is not to teach children, but to encourage their development as a person. A preschool teacher’s main cause is to build an affectionate relationship with the child, so that they would have confidence in this new person in their life. The best indicator of a parent’s success in their role, according to Maleš and Stričević (1991), is the child’s satisfaction with the time spent together with them. One of the most important factors of learning is precisely the interaction between parents and children. For children, the established relationship with their parents is the foundation to forming meaningful relationships with other people in the future. Children will build a better relationship with a teacher who is gentle, caring, and warm, than they will with a teacher who inhibits their creative urges. As soon as a preschool teacher sees the fruits of their work with children, it can further affect their work. |